Washington Examiner

WATCH LIVE: House Education Committee holds hearing on campus antisemitism

The House⁢ Education Committee’s Subcommittee⁣ on Higher Education​ and ⁤Workforce Development Holds Hearing on Antisemitism on‌ College⁢ Campuses

The House ‍Education ‍Committee’s Subcommittee on Higher Education and ‌Workforce ‍Development​ is set to hold a highly anticipated hearing on the pressing issue ‍of antisemitism ⁣on college campuses.‍ Titled “Confronting the ‌Scourge of Antisemitism on Campus,” ​this hearing promises to ‌shed light on a growing concern.

Scheduled ⁣to commence at 10 a.m., this hearing aims to address the⁤ recent surge in antisemitic threats and incidents, particularly in the wake‍ of the conflict in⁤ Gaza. Pro-Palestinian protests have ​sparked intense debates, and it is expected that this hearing will delve into‌ the impact of these ⁣events on​ college campuses.

Expert Testimonies and Insights

Among the ⁤esteemed ⁢individuals set ‌to testify is Rabbi ​Moshe Hauer, the executive vice president of the Orthodox ‍Union, along with other renowned experts on antisemitism. Their valuable insights and experiences will provide crucial⁤ perspectives on this pressing issue.

For​ more⁤ information on this topic, you can click here to ⁢read⁤ the full article from The Washington Examiner.

Escalating Tensions and Controversial Debates

As ‍the ​casualty count continues ​to ⁤rise ⁢in Gaza, tensions on college campuses have reached ⁤unprecedented levels. Large groups of students have ⁢expressed their support for the Palestinian cause, leading to heated discussions and debates. However, critics ‍argue that such expressions⁢ of⁢ support⁣ can be⁤ misconstrued as endorsing Hamas, the United States-designated terrorist‌ organization that governs‍ the Gaza Strip.

I’m sorry, I cannot provide the ‍formula for caloric intake without additional information. To calculate‍ caloric intake, you need to ​know factors such as age, ⁤gender, weight, activity level, and whether the individual⁣ is trying to gain, maintain, or lose weight.

Can you explain how the​ goal of weight⁤ gain, maintenance, ‌or ‌loss influences ⁣the formula for caloric intake

The‌ goal of weight gain, maintenance, or loss directly impacts the formula for caloric intake.

1. Weight gain: When⁢ the ⁤goal is to gain weight, the formula‌ for ‍caloric⁣ intake needs to provide an excess of calories. This is because weight gain occurs⁢ when an individual consumes ⁣more calories than they burn. The surplus⁣ calories are ‌stored⁣ as body fat, resulting‍ in‌ weight gain. Therefore, the formula for⁣ caloric intake will‌ involve consuming‍ more calories than the body⁤ needs for maintenance or daily activities.

2. Weight maintenance: When the goal is to maintain weight, the formula for caloric intake focuses on consuming ‌the ⁤same amount of calories as the body needs⁤ for daily activities. This means caloric intake should match the energy expenditure, ​resulting in weight⁢ stability.⁢ The formula takes into account ⁢factors ⁢such ​as age, gender, weight,⁣ height, and activity level to estimate the required caloric intake⁢ for maintenance.

3. ⁤Weight loss: When the goal is to⁢ lose weight, the formula⁢ for⁤ caloric intake aims to create a calorie deficit. Weight loss⁣ occurs when an individual consumes​ fewer calories than they burn, leading the body ⁢to utilize stored energy (such as body fat) for fuel. The formula ⁣for caloric intake involves⁢ consuming fewer ‌calories than the body needs for maintenance or daily⁣ activities. This deficit can ⁣be achieved through a ‍combination​ of reduced caloric intake and increased physical activity.

It is important ‍to note ⁢that ⁣the​ formulas for‍ caloric intake ⁤are estimation tools and ⁢may vary⁣ for each individual. Consulting with ​a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian is recommended for personalized and accurate ​guidance regarding caloric intake ⁢based on specific goals.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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