LIVE NOW: Trump hosts rally in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Former President Donald Trump is scheduled to host a Make America Great Again rally at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Saturday at 7 p.m. The rally will take place in a predominantly black neighborhood in North Philadelphia. Trump’s focus on engaging black voters continues, aiming to capitalize on their shifting support away from Biden. In a recent roundtable discussion in Detroit, Michigan, Trump highlighted his efforts to address issues important to black voters. According to a recent USA Today/Suffolk poll, Trump has the support of 11% of black voters in Pennsylvania. David McCormick, the GOP candidate for the state’s Senate, is anticipated to join Trump at the rally. Trump previously endorsed McCormick in April, praising him as a competent and dedicated candidate deserving of Republican voters’ support.

Former President Donald Trump is set to hold a Make America Great Again rally at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, at 7 p.m. on Saturday. The north Philadelphia neighborhood where the rally where be held is a primarily black area. This event will continue the trend of Trump pitching himself to black voters in an effort to gain on the momentum of them abandoning Biden.

Last week, Trump visited Detroit, Michigan, to discuss how he is addressing issues for black voters at a roundtable. A recent USA Today/Suffolk poll shows 11% of black voters in Pennsylvania support Trump.


David McCormick, the state’s GOP candidate for senate, is expected to join him. Trump endorsed McCormick in April, saying, “He’s a good man. He wants to run a good ship. He’s a smart guy who was a very successful guy. He’s given up a lot to do this. And I’ll tell you what, he’s the nominee of the Republican Party. David McCormick: go out and vote for him because Casey doesn’t do a damn thing. He doesn’t do it.”

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