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Video: Michigan Imam Encourages Muslims to Engage in Jihad Against the ‘Infidel West

An​ Islamist fanatic calls for⁤ Muslims to wage war against the “infidel West” from the safety of American soil

Ahmad Musa Jibril, a Michigan cleric, ​is actively encouraging his followers to declare jihad against the United States itself, as ⁤reported ⁤by the New York Post. In videos uploaded to ⁢his X and Telegram accounts, Jibril⁢ not⁤ only attacks Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin⁤ Netanyahu but ⁣also labels him as a⁤ mere “dog” for President ​Joe Biden.

Jibril boldly claims, “The infidel ⁢West, particularly the U.S., are enemies ⁤of Muslims,” as stated in ⁤the same ‍message.⁢ He further emphasizes⁢ the need for jihad to become a common and normal term in Muslim communities, both online and⁤ offline, according to ​the Daily ⁤Mail.

Not stopping there, Jibril ​criticizes Arab leaders who have‍ replaced Islamic sharia ⁣law with‍ Western civil law, accusing them of betraying Allah.‌ He urges Muslims residing​ in Western countries to⁣ raise their⁣ children as⁤ combatants against ​what he perceives as enemies.

It ⁣is worth noting that Jibril has ‍a criminal history, having spent nearly ⁣seven years in federal prison for financial crimes and possession of ​firearms​ and ammunition as a convicted felon, according to the Counter Extremism Project.

Experts are expressing concerns about the resurgence of beliefs associated with terrorist groups like the Islamic State amid Israel’s conflict with‌ the Palestinians. Recent terrorist attacks‍ in Europe have also reignited worries about the spread of extremist ideologies, as reported by The Guardian.

Throughout⁣ Islamic history, conquest, slavery, and violence towards followers of other religions have been prevalent since the faith’s origins in seventh-century Arabia. ⁣The Qu’ran itself urges Muslims to fight against non-believers until they ‌submit to ⁤Islamic rule.

The post Watch: Michigan Imam Posts Rant Urging ‍Muslims to Wage Jihad ⁤Against ‘Infidel⁢ West’ appeared first on The Western Journal.

How ⁢can law‍ enforcement agencies ​collaborate with technology companies and community organizations ​to address the dissemination of violent ideologies online


In response to Jibril’s extremist rhetoric, the Muslim community in‌ Michigan and across the United⁣ States‌ has condemned his calls for violence and disavowed his teachings. Organizations such‌ as‌ the Council on ⁣American-Islamic ⁣Relations (CAIR) have issued ⁣statements denouncing Jibril’s message and emphasizing that​ it does not reflect the beliefs or values ​​of the broader Muslim community.

It is important to‌ note⁣ that Jibril’s radical views and calls for violence are not representative of Islam or the‌ vast majority ‍of Muslims. Islam is ⁤a religion of peace⁤ and promotes⁢ values⁢ ​​of compassion, justice, and respect for all⁣ people, ‌regardless of their faith or‌ background.

While freedom of speech⁢ is a fundamental right, it is crucial to draw the line between freedom of expression‌ and⁢ incitement to violence. Jibril’s calls for jihad against the West can be seen ‌as crossing that line, as⁤ they promote hatred, division, and pose a ​serious threat to the ⁣safety and security of communities.

In⁤ a time when global communities⁢ are striving⁣ for peace, understanding, and coexistence, it is essential to reject and ⁤counteract extremist ideologies that seek to glamorize violence⁤ and perpetuate hatred. Muslim leaders and scholars have a responsibility⁤ to⁤ address and educate against extremist ideologies, emphasizing the true teachings of Islam,‌ which⁣ reject terrorism and ‌violence.

Law enforcement ⁤agencies also play a ‍crucial role⁣ in monitoring and investigating individuals like Jibril who promote extremist ideas and potentially pose ⁤a threat to national security. The dissemination ​of ​such violent ideologies online poses ⁤a significant challenge, requiring a collaborative effort between technology companies, law enforcement agencies, and​ community organizations to identify and address these threats.

Additionally, it is important ⁤to ‍foster dialogue and promote understanding among diverse communities‌ to prevent the marginalization and isolation that can contribute to radicalization. By engaging in interfaith dialogue, promoting religious tolerance, and⁢ fostering⁤ an inclusive society,⁤ we can combat extremist ideologies‍ and build bridges of understanding.

It is crucial ​for society as a whole⁤ to reject and condemn the dangerous rhetoric of individuals like Jibril. By standing united ⁢against extremism and promoting tolerance, compassion, and respect, we can create ‍a safer and more ⁢peaceful world for​ all.

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