Washington Examiner

Bill Nye urges young voters to question candidates on climate change.

Celebrity Bill Nye Urges⁣ Younger​ Voters to Question 2024 ‍Presidential ‍Candidates on ⁤Climate Change

Celebrity scientist ‌Bill Nye is calling on younger voters to take a stand on climate change by ‍asking the 2024 presidential candidates‌ about their plans to ⁤address this pressing issue. Nye, a ⁤vocal advocate for combating global warming, made this statement ahead of the upcoming Republican National⁢ Committee presidential ⁢debate scheduled for ‍Wednesday night.

Highlighting Recent Weather Events

In a recent interview,⁤ Nye discussed the⁤ impact of recent weather events in the United States, such as tropical storm Hilary and the scorching hot summer. He emphasized that these events are likely to worsen in ⁣the future, urging young reporters to pose tough questions to the candidates during the debate.

“So what I would like you all to do,⁣ as hard-hitting investigating ‌reporters at the place for politics, is get somebody, preferably a young person, to ask any of these presidential candidates ‌what they’re going to do about climate change,” Nye told ⁢MSNBC.

The Power​ of Voting and Demanding Change

Nye also stressed the importance ​of voting in elections as⁢ a means to combat climate change. He debunked the notion that simply recycling newspapers and other items‍ is enough, stating⁢ that ⁢real change requires policy shifts.⁢ Nye drew parallels between the younger generation’s demand for​ action‍ on climate change and the anti-war movement during the Vietnam War.

“Watch‍ out for young people!” Nye exclaimed. “They’re going to demand change. They’re going to⁤ demand climate change. It reminds me of a certain age during the Vietnam War, where people⁢ just said, ‘We’ve had enough.‌ We’re going to demonstrate.’ You watch ⁢out. Young people are going to‌ demand change.”

Upcoming GOP⁤ Presidential Debate

Nye’s comments come just days ‌before the first GOP presidential debate. While several Republican candidates will be participating, former President Donald Trump, considered the frontrunner in the Republican primary, has announced that ⁢he⁣ will not be taking⁢ part. Trump ⁢cited ‍a ‌recent CBS News poll that shows him with a significant lead over his competitors in the 2024 Republican primary race.

The ‌debate, moderated by Fox News, is ‌scheduled for Wednesday‍ at 9 p.m.

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