The Western Journal

Watch: Trump Campaign Forces Kamala Harris to Debate Herself in Devastating New Ad

The article discusses a recent campaign ad created by former President Donald Trump that humorously contrasts Vice⁤ President Kamala Harris’s⁤ conflicting statements on inflation and Bidenomics. Dubbed “Harris‍ vs. Harris,” the ad features Harris appearing to ⁤debate herself: one side expressing concern about rising prices,⁤ while ⁢the other celebrates the success of the economy under Biden’s policies. The ad aims to highlight Harris’s perceived lack of authenticity and effectiveness as a candidate, suggesting that her contradictory views could alienate voters. The piece concludes that‌ this approach ⁤may serve as a strategic move for Trump, as allowing voters to hear⁤ more from Harris may expose her weaknesses in the upcoming election.

The establishment media has allowed Vice President and 2024 Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris to run a campaign in absentia.

Thus, if Democrats will not showcase their candidate, then former President Donald Trump’s campaign will do it for them.

Monday on social media platform X, Trump posted a hilarious and powerful new 27-second campaign ad that featured clips of Harris appearing to debate herself on the topic of inflation and Bidenomics.

As the ad began, the words “The Debate We’ve All Been Waiting For: Harris vs. Harris” slowly appeared.

For clarity’s sake, we might call the two “debate” contestants “Faux-Empathy Harris” and “Gaslighting Harris.”

Faux-Empathy Harris complained about high prices while speaking to an audience, while Gaslighting Harris celebrated the alleged success of President Joe Biden’s economic policies.

The first part of the ad showed the silhouettes of two people watching two side-by-side television screens.

Meanwhile, a clip of Faux-Empathy Harris appeared on the first screen.

“Everyday prices are too high — food, rent, gas, back-to-school clothes,” she said.

Then, a different clip of the vice president appeared on the adjacent screen.

“That is called ‘Bidenomics,’” Gaslighting Harris said in a celebratory tone that totally contradicted Faux-Empathy Harris.

The dueling Harrises continued for another 20 delicious seconds.

On a phone, laptop and television screen, price-conscious Faux-Empathy Harris appeared once again to complain about the costs of bread and ground beef.

Then, Gaslighting Harris showed up on an iPad to declare “Bidenomics is working!”

Finally, Faux-Empathy Harris returned to complain about housing prices and the economy in general.

To that, Gaslighting Harris replied “And we are very proud of Bidenomics.”

Judging by the low quality of most political ads, paid consultants seldom add value to campaigns.

The creators of the Harris vs. Harris ad, however, deserve major plaudits for both cleverness and effectiveness.

After all, anyone who has watched the unimpressive vice president for the last four years knows that the best way to alienate her from the electorate would be to allow voters to hear her in her own words.

In fact, her own campaign operatives clearly fear turning her loose to speak in any unscripted setting.

Thus, the more voters see of Harris — and the Trump ad already had more than 9.7 million views as of Tuesday morning — the more they will recognize her as a mediocrity.

Furthermore, the “debate” between Faux-Empathy Harris and Gaslighting Harris highlighted her problem with authenticity.

Are prices too high? Or has Bidenomics worked? She clearly indicated both in a transparent attempt to distance herself from Biden’s failed policies while continuing to push the establishment’s lie about the healthy state of the economy. One hopes that voters will not appreciate her duplicity.

All things considered, not many political ads hit their target the way this one did.

Moving forward, therefore, the Trump campaign could adopt a clear strategy: Let Harris speak.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

One Comment

  1. I hear Kamel Toe has been watching wag the dog and getting ready to hand Americans an October surprise. . . . (She won’t be on her knees so this will be a real hoot)

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