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Watch: Whoopi’s Hunter Biden Rant – Painful Irony Unnoticed

Watch: ⁢Whoopi Doesn’t Realize Painful Irony of Her ‍Hunter Biden Rant⁢ – ‘Maybe⁢ I’m Crazy’

When has-been movie personalities start to pontificate about politics and ⁢affairs⁢ of state ​in between chats about the summer’s hottest looks and who’s divorcing ⁣who, it’s bound⁣ to get confusing​ sometimes.

On Thursday’s episode ⁣of ‍“The View,” Whoopi Goldberg said she doesn’t understand‍ how Hunter‌ Biden’s case could have ‌gone on⁤ for ⁢seven years.

To properly demonstrate how out of touch the ladies of “The View” are with reality, Whoopi used ⁣her rant​ in the segment to compare ​Hunter‍ Biden to ‍Jean Valjean, the protagonist⁤ of⁣ Victor Hugo’s 1862 novel “Les Misérables,” who was‌ pursued and harassed after serving 19 years in prison for stealing a loaf‍ of bread.

“He’s like Jean Valjean,” Whoopi vented. “I ‍feel‌ like they are just … they gonna⁤ find something … seven years!”

Whoopi must share a brain with Democrat Rep. Ro Khanna ‌of California, who ⁢had the exact same ⁣thought, even though ⁣he referred to‌ Jean Valjean as “the person who had a sandwich.”

“Maybe I’m crazy‌ but ⁢seems to me after seven years, you ‌would know what your‌ case is,” Whoopi ⁤continued.

Reasons Why Hunter Biden’s ⁣Case Isn’t Over Yet

Before Whoopi starts comparing Hunter​ Biden to Justin⁣ Martyr, let’s ⁢look at some of the reasons why Hunter​ Biden’s case still⁣ isn’t over with.

Earlier in July, according to a New York Times ⁢ report, two IRS investigators, Gary Shapley and Joseph‍ Ziegler, testified before⁣ the House Oversight Committee, claiming that Justice Department officials obstructed their investigation ⁤into Hunter Biden during both the Trump and Biden administrations.

IRS Supervisory Special⁣ Agent Gary Shapley⁤ testified before the committee stating, ‍“I am here to tell you that the Delaware USAO and Department of Justice handling of the Hunter Biden tax investigation ‍was very different from any other case in my 14 years at ​the IRS.”

“In this country, we believe in⁣ the rule of law, and that ⁤applies to everyone. There should not be ‌a two-track justice system depending​ on who you are and who you’re connected to. Yet in​ this case, there was. At⁣ every stage, decisions were made that benefited the subject of the investigation.”

Shapley also said that evidence, including Hunter Biden’s now infamous laptop, was concealed from investigators.

It⁤ was additionally noted that ‌“[t]he‍ Delaware U.S.⁣ Attorney’s office slow-walked interviews, ‌serving document requests, and pursuing ‌physical search warrants,” according to a news release from‍ the House oversight committee.

The investigators⁤ believed that a special counsel was necessary for ⁤a thorough investigation.

In my America and yours, ⁤it doesn’t take⁣ seven years to‌ investigate a case ⁤of tax​ evasion and ⁢illegal gun possession.

But Hunter‍ Biden doesn’t live in your America or mine. He lives in Biden’s America, where ⁢the rules ‍don’t apply, where his ​paint spit sells for more money than a Picasso or Van Gogh, and where there are no consequences for bad behavior because⁣ “the big guy” makes all ⁤the bad things go away.

It’s an America where nepotism ‍reigns and where the branches of⁣ the ⁤American government, designed by ‌the Founders to be​ separate, work together to​ cover up for​ a political insider.

Hunter Biden is not Jean Valjean.

The parents ⁤labeled ​as “domestic⁣ terrorists” for speaking about ​their children’s‍ education are.

The January 6 protesters whose lives were‌ destroyed just for being part of a political protest are.

The American people weighed down⁤ by corruption at the highest levels of government and civil ‍service are.

But for many​ Americans,⁣ the ⁣little crack in the wall that ⁣happened when⁣ Hunter ‌Biden’s plea ⁢deal was rejected gives hope that finally, ⁤even some on the other side are seeing the double ‍standard.

Maybe, hopefully, Biden’s America might finally be coming to an end.

The post Watch: ‍Whoopi Doesn’t Realize Painful Irony of Her ‌Hunter⁤ Biden Rant – ‘Maybe I’m Crazy’ appeared first on‍ The Western Journal.

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