Washington Examiner

Jason Smith, Ways and Means Chairman, to join IRS whistleblowers hearing.

House Ways and Means ⁣Chairman to Participate ​in⁣ Hearing with ⁢IRS Whistleblowers

House‍ Ways‌ and Means Committee Chairman​ Jason Smith (R-MO)‌ will be joining‌ the House Oversight ‍Committee’s Wednesday hearing, where two IRS whistleblowers⁤ will​ testify‌ about alleged interference by the Justice ‌Department in the criminal ⁣investigation into Hunter Biden.

Despite not being a⁣ member ⁤of ‌the Oversight ‌Committee, Smith expressed his involvement⁣ in ⁢the hearing, stating, ⁤”People will‍ want ‍to watch the hearing.” He hinted ⁣at the possibility of new information being revealed during ⁢the proceedings.

Engaging ‌Testimony ‌Expected

“There’ll ⁣be a lot of ‍information ⁢that⁣ Americans will​ want to know about,” ​Smith emphasized. ⁤A spokesperson for the House Oversight Committee confirmed‍ that the Missouri Republican​ would indeed⁢ participate in⁤ the ‌hearing.

House ‌Judiciary⁢ Committee ⁣Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH), who is also a member of the⁣ House ‌Oversight Committee,⁢ will be ‍present​ at ⁣the hearing as well.

The two ‌whistleblowers, IRS supervisory‌ agent Gary Shapley and ‍an anonymous whistleblower ​referred ⁤to⁤ as⁤ “whistleblower x,” initially testified​ before the ⁣Ways⁣ and Means ⁣Committee, which holds ‍jurisdiction ​over​ the⁤ matter. They alleged‍ that the DOJ obstructed Biden’s criminal ⁢investigation ‍by impeding the lead U.S.⁣ attorney, ‌David Weiss,‌ from ⁣pursuing⁣ charges‌ in his ‌preferred jurisdiction and ⁣denying ⁣his ⁣request for special counsel status.

Exciting‌ Revelation Expected

The ⁢identity⁢ of “whistleblower x” ‌will​ be⁢ unveiled ​during Wednesday’s⁣ hearing. ​Both Weiss and ​Attorney General ⁣Merrick Garland have denied⁤ the allegations ⁣made by the⁤ whistleblowers.

In⁢ addition ⁣to their claims of interference, ⁢the ​whistleblowers presented new evidence​ related to ⁤Biden, including‌ text⁤ messages with a Chinese business associate‍ where⁤ he exploited his father’s name to secure​ financial ⁣gains. These actions⁤ resulted in millions‍ being deposited into Biden’s account.

The whistleblowers ‌also testified that they faced​ retaliation from ‌the IRS for ‌disclosing protected information ⁣to Congress.

Collaborative ​Investigation

Following⁣ the testimony, the House Oversight, ​Judiciary, and Ways ⁢and Means committees joined⁣ forces ⁤to ‍further investigate the alleged misconduct at the DOJ ‍and the IRS.⁢ In ⁤early ⁤July, the three committees​ requested transcribed interviews⁤ with​ over 13 employees ​from the⁤ IRS, DOJ,⁢ and Secret ‌Service ​to ⁣gain a deeper understanding​ of ⁢the severity of the alleged interference in the investigation.

Attempts to Discredit

Throughout the investigations, ‌Biden’s legal team⁣ has attempted to undermine ‍the credibility⁤ of the​ whistleblowers and Chairman Smith. On⁤ June ⁤30, ‌Biden’s‍ attorney,‍ Abbe​ Lowell,⁣ sent a 10-page ⁣letter ⁢to ⁢Smith,⁤ discrediting the whistleblowers‍ and accusing‍ Smith of contributing⁢ to a “misinformation campaign” to harm Hunter Biden⁣ and attack‍ his father.

Smith responded to ⁢these accusations, ⁣stating, “They’re the same attorneys ‍that the⁤ whistleblower⁤ stated in their 15-hour testimony that ‌said that‌ they ⁢told Department​ of ‍Justice prosecutors that if ‍they brought charges on the ‌president’s ⁣son,⁤ they ⁤would ‍be facing career ⁣suicide.‌ That’s ‌the type ‍of individuals you’re dealing with.”

The hearing‍ with the IRS whistleblowers is⁤ scheduled for 1 p.m.‌ on ⁤Wednesday.

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