the federalist

Fossil Fuels Keep Us Alive, Can’t Let Them Die

This is My⁤ First Christmas Without My Dad

As I⁤ navigate through my ⁢first ‍Christmas without my dad, I realize that the absence is even more difficult for my mother. This is her ‍first Christmas without him since⁢ 1963. The days my dad spent in the hospital and his subsequent passing have brought forth a whirlwind of emotions, memories, ⁤and contemplation about heaven, sin, salvation,⁤ and‍ surprisingly, fossil fuels.

Now, you might be wondering why⁣ fossil fuels ⁤are part of this mix. Well, let me ⁢explain. As an advocate for the energy industry, my work is a‌ constant companion, and I embrace it wholeheartedly. But fossil fuels are not just a part of my professional life; they are essential ‍for sustaining and nurturing life itself.

After his heart attack, my dad underwent a cardiac ‍catheterization procedure to assess the damage to his coronary artery. A hollow tube made of plastic, derived from oil, was inserted‌ through his groin. Guided by the doctor, it traveled⁣ through his blood vessels, providing crucial data and‍ information. In this ⁢medical intervention, the very materials used, such as plastics and needles, are ⁤products ‌of fossil⁢ fuels.

Furthermore, a stent ⁤made entirely ​from oil was implanted to ⁤ensure proper blood flow in a collapsed⁤ artery. This stent,⁢ thinner than a ⁣human hair, is hollow, flexible, and non-toxic. It exemplifies the incredible capabilities of fossil fuel-derived materials.

As I stood in my dad’s hospital room, surrounded ⁣by‌ medicines, IV bags, disposable gloves, and beeping machines, I couldn’t help but acknowledge that every corner ⁣of that room was filled with products made possible by abundant natural resources. These resources, often taken for granted, are utilized by healthcare professionals every‍ day to save lives and ⁢promote‌ healing.

The ‍Unspoken Consequences of a “Green Transition”

Those advocating for a “green transition” ⁢fail to address a⁣ crucial question: what is the alternative ​plan for producing essential items like needles, bedpans, plastic, rubber, cement, steel, and countless other products? Wind and solar‌ energy may generate electricity, but they fall short in providing the diverse range of benefits that ‍fossil fuels offer.

The recent Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, passed by⁤ the Biden administration, allocated over a trillion tax dollars‌ to various initiatives, including the repair⁢ of crumbling roads and bridges. ‌However, simultaneously, the Environmental Protection⁢ Agency is imposing restrictions on the very oil,​ gas, and coal required to accomplish these infrastructure improvements.

It is evident that⁢ Transportation Secretary Buttigieg and ‌EPA Administrator ​Regan need to engage in a meaningful conversation to reconcile‌ these conflicting ⁤policies.

Every call to eliminate fossil fuels ultimately leads to a gradual​ increase in the prices of essential products, rendering them unaffordable for the masses. Cement, steel, and other materials are‌ vital not only for our economy but also‍ for​ our daily lives. From laundry detergent to aspirin, countless affordable products rely on fossil ⁤fuels.

Consider the disposable tissues we ‍use instead of handkerchiefs, or the convenience​ of disposable diapers. When fossil fuels become⁤ scarce, these everyday items will ​disappear. Even Starbucks, Whole Foods, and other businesses heavily reliant on plastic packaging will face significant challenges. While some may argue that disposable products harm the environment, the consequences ⁤of inadequate hygiene are far worse for individuals ‍and their families.

The Indispensable Role of Fossil Fuels

Perhaps these thoughts occupied my mind in my dad’s hospital ​room as a way to distract myself from the heartache. Or maybe it’s because‌ it’s my job to understand the significance of fossil fuels. Regardless, it is⁢ clear that our world is not prepared to relinquish the benefits provided ⁢by fossil fuels. It extends beyond cars,⁤ leaf blowers, stoves,⁢ and air conditioning. What is truly at ⁣stake is our human dignity, which elevates us above the harshness of nature‌ and the cruelty of illness, allowing us to cleanse ourselves from the toil of labor.

We rarely discuss⁤ the “then what” after fossil ⁢fuels are phased out. However, I can assure you that life ‍as we know it would be utterly impossible without them.

Petrochemicals and the incredible team of doctors at Northshore Hospital did everything in⁢ their‌ power to save my dad, ​but ⁣ultimately, it was his time to go. Fossil fuels provided him with the precious time I needed to say my final goodbye.

For the sake of our lives, I am committed ​to working tirelessly to ensure that ‌fossil fuels remain​ a ⁤vital part of our existence.

How ⁢can we find a viable alternative to fossil fuels that can meet the world’s energy needs without compromising ⁢reliability, affordability, and ⁣efficiency?

Must be accompanied by a viable alternative that⁢ can meet the world’s energy needs and provide the​ essential materials for various industries, including healthcare. This ⁢means finding solutions⁤ that⁢ can offer the same level of reliability, affordability, and efficiency that fossil fuels currently provide.

I understand the ⁤concerns about climate change and the importance of⁤ shifting towards cleaner and‍ more sustainable energy sources. However, we ​cannot ignore the fact that fossil fuels have played a significant role in advancing human civilization. They have powered industries, enabled transportation, and supported the development of modern medicine. They have been the backbone of our progress.

If we hastily abandon fossil‍ fuels ⁤without a suitable replacement, we risk undermining ⁤the stability of our ⁢society ‌and compromising the advancements we have achieved. It is crucial to have a balanced approach that takes into ⁤account the environmental impact while also considering the practical ‍implications and human needs.

So ⁣as I spend ‍my first Christmas without my dad, I find myself reflecting on the ⁢interconnectedness of⁣ life. From the medical interventions that rely on fossil⁤ fuel-derived materials to the ‌infrastructure projects that require the energy‌ provided by oil, gas, and coal, everything is ‍intricately linked. The choices we make regarding energy and environmental policies have far-reaching consequences that extend beyond mere statistics and figures.

Perhaps, in the midst of⁢ grief and contemplation, there is a lesson⁣ to be learned.⁤ We ​must ‌strive for a holistic understanding⁤ of the impacts of our actions and⁣ decisions. We must seek to find common⁤ ground and engage in meaningful dialogues that consider the complexities of the challenges we face.

As I look towards the future, ⁤I hope to see a world where innovative ​technologies and renewable energy sources can gradually replace our dependency on fossil fuels. But until a viable alternative is available, let ⁤us not overlook the‌ undeniable contributions of fossil fuels in sustaining life and supporting progress.

This Christmas, as I celebrate the memories of my⁢ dad and​ cherish the ​time ‌spent with my family, I am reminded of the fragility ‌and interconnectedness of⁢ our world. Let us approach the energy transition with‌ careful consideration and thoughtful planning to ensure​ a prosperous⁣ and sustainable ‌future for all.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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