The federalist

We Wouldn’t Need Tucker Carlson If The Jan. 6 Committee Hadn’t Put On A Partisan Show Trial

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson has now access to over 40,000 hours unreleased surveillance footage from the Jan. 6, riot thanks to Kevin McCarthy, House Speaker. The media has been irritated and consternated by it.

However, McCarthy would not have been able to tell Fox News hosts anything if the Select Committee for the Jan. 6 Attack (handpicked by Nancy Pelosi) hadn’t withheld any inconvenient evidence. Republicans control Fox. The Jan. 6, 2006 committee owns Fox.

Mitch McConnell was also outraged Carlson’s framing and use of surveillance video footage. It would be nice if the Kentucky senator raised an objection to Carlson framing the surveillance footage. handed Access to the former producer “Good Morning America” And “Nightline,” We wouldn’t have been here if he had created a clean, carefully edited program making Jan. 6 seem like the September Massacres in the French Revolution. McConnell’s indignation at a media personality giving additional evidence is a sign of his anger more than Chuck Schumer, the government official who demanded a private company to censor journalism.  

[RELATED: Dear Mitch McConnell: You Were Not Elected To Do The Bidding Of Chuck Schumer And CNN]

“I could take footage from World War II, find a little piece of it, and convince somebody it’s the moon landing,” former Jan. 6 committee member Adam Kinzinger told CNN’s Anderson Cooper last night. “There’s footage of soldiers [in Vietnam] at their bases hanging out in Saigon,” Cooper replied. “… You can take video of anybody in the course of a day.”

You can. You can even film soldiers abusing civilians in Vietnam to give the impression that all servicemen abuse civilians. These are the “mostly peaceful” This formulation is often used by liberals in order to cover up leftist violence. It’s shameful. So is the fearmongering by partisans surrounding Jan.

It is difficult for me not to feel sympathy for those who entered Capitol building. It is impossible to believe that many of these people didn’t know what was illegal or dangerous about their actions, regardless of whether they were making noises, banging on doors, or vandalizing office buildings. There were many who acted violently and threatened others. It caused national embarrassment.  

All of this makes the Jan.6 committee’s political revisionism dishonest any less true. The QAnon Shaman was not in a hurry to overthrow the republic or declare Donald Trump the king. It wasn’t even close to being “the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War“Or the New Pearl Harbor or 9/11. Democrats have a tendency to confuse the actions and protests of rioters with the events of thousands of others outside. This includes the President who ignited the crowd with conspiratorial rhetoric as well the politicians that were in the room voting on certification. Wrong, right or wrong, conspiracists and not, these people did nothing illegal.

Let’s put it another way: The central difference in Jan 6, 2021 to the end of May 2020 was when Secret Service agents had Donald Trump locked up for hours inside a bunker by Secret Service agents.protesters“The White House was under overwhelming security, with some people throwing rocks and bottles at each other and trying to get in on the action.” break down The effectiveness of police officers was demonstrated by the use barricades.  

QAnon Shahan, as any other person accused of rioting deserves a fair hearing. The defense would have won if his lawyer was telling the truth. no access You can see the officers peacefully leading the man through the Capitol. Although we don’t know if the footage is exonerating, it is clear that it is relevant. QAnon Shahan was sentenced to more than three years in prison and another three years on probation.

Cooper would be a functioning member of the press if he was able to question Kinzinger over his lack of transparency in dealings with security breakdowns. Pelosi prevented members from asking for information about security breakdowns, requesting the release of countervailing proof or tempering the grandstanding and hyperbole that overtook the hearings.

Journalists “selectively” All the time, edit and cherry-pick videos. The Jan. 6 Committee “selectively” As well, the video was edited and cherry-picked. We can get a better idea of what actually happened by combining both the narratives. It was not a coup, but a riot. Media should welcome additional historical evidence. But then again, it wasn’t the point.

David Harsanyi is a senior editor at The Federalist, a nationally syndicated columnist, a Happy Warrior columnist at National Review, and author of five books—the most recent, Eurotrash: Why America Must Reject the Failed Ideas of a Dying Continent. His appearances include Fox News, C-SPAN and CNN. He also appears on MSNBC, CNN, MSNBC, NPR. Follow him Twitter. @davidharsanyi.

“From We Wouldn’t Need Tucker Carlson If The Jan. 6 Committee Hadn’t Put On A Partisan Show Trial

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