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Weapons seized from Hamas terrorists indicate clear Iranian support, according to a report.

Weapons⁤ Seized from Hamas ⁣Reveal Iranian Backing, IDF ⁣Says

The⁤ Israel Defense Forces⁣ (IDF) have uncovered compelling‍ evidence‌ that⁢ Hamas, the Palestinian terrorist group, is receiving direct support⁣ from Iran.⁣ Photos and ‍videos released by the IDF show weapons⁣ seized from a ​raid near the⁤ Israel-Gaza border, following ⁤a deadly attack that claimed the⁤ lives of over 1,300 Israelis.

The ‌Long War Journal, a​ group of Middle East war ⁣experts, reports ‌ that the seized weapons include ​”deadly armor piercing ​explosively formed projectiles (EFPs),” which clearly ‌indicate ⁣Iranian assistance ​to ⁢Hamas.

In addition to the EFPs,⁤ the IDF also discovered “SA-7 shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles, RPG-7 and RPG-29 shoulder-fired anti-tank⁣ rockets, TC-6 landmines, and ‘sticky ⁢bombs’.”

EFPs are weapons developed by Iran and distributed to terrorist groups across the Middle East, with the aim of targeting American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Retired U.S. Army Brigadier General Anthony J. Tata testified before Congress in‍ 2020, revealing that EFPs manufactured⁣ and deployed by Iranian military leader Qasem Soleimani caused the deaths and injuries of ⁣over 6,500 American servicemen and women.

Tata‌ testified:

Soleimani ‌developed, refined and deployed explosively formed penetrators (EFPs)—lethal roadside bombs ‌made of an Iranian-milled six-inch copper disc, PVC/Steel pipe, urea nitrate, a blasting cap, and typically, a passive infrared switch trigger. When a target⁣ crossed⁣ the ‍beam of the ​passive infrared⁣ switch it ​ignited the blasting cap which in turn detonated⁣ the explosives, propelling a ​molten copper disc at 8,000 feet⁣ per second⁣ through its mark, killing‍ and maiming⁢ whoever might be in⁢ the ⁢projectile’s ​(and its many fragment’s)⁢ path of destruction. Frequently the destruction from an ​EFP sealed the vehicle doors shut, leaving⁢ American soldiers to burn alive. Often Soleimani’s⁣ EFPs‍ were deployed in multiple “arrays” where several copper discs would punch through Humvees and other fighting vehicles, ripping‌ arms ⁣and legs ⁢from servicemen and women. Soleimani ⁢and his chief lieutenant ⁣Muhandis⁤ were the masterminds behind,‍ and suppliers of,⁢ the EFPs.⁢ Soleimani ‌and his ‌terrorist proxies ⁣spearheaded Iran’s efforts‌ to inflict ⁤death and ⁢destruction on Americans in an attempt to⁤ disrupt American foreign policy objectives in the region, and to deny the Iraqi people a‍ free and democratic Iraq.

The Long War Journal suggests that ​while Hamas​ may have the capability to⁢ produce EFPs within Gaza, the quantity ​found ⁣indicates the involvement of‍ multiple factories, likely​ with‍ support from Hezbollah and Iran.

Hamas’ possession of EFPs and‍ the ​presence ⁤of EFP factories ⁢strongly suggest support from‍ Hezbollah and Iran, according to the report. EFPs are recognized as a ⁣signature weapon of Iranian proxies and clients.

The Long War Journal is a project of ⁤the Foundation for ⁣Defense of Democracies,⁤ a nonpartisan ​research institute based ‍in Washington, DC, focusing on national security and foreign policy.

What are ⁢the implications of discovering weapons in the hands of‍ Hamas ⁢during the Iraq War?

Ican military personnel during the Iraq War.⁢ The discovery of these weapons in the hands of⁣ Hamas raises serious concerns about the ongoing support and collaboration ⁤between Iran ​and terrorist⁣ organizations in the⁢ region.

The ‍IDF⁢ has long suspected Iranian involvement in fueling Hamas’ terrorist activities, including the smuggling of weapons into the Gaza Strip. The ‍recent ‌raid near the ⁣Israel-Gaza border serves‌ as further confirmation of these suspicions. The weapons seized not only ‌pose a significant ⁢threat to Israeli civilians and security forces but⁤ also represent a broader destabilizing force in the region.

The involvement of Iran in providing‌ advanced weaponry to Hamas is a clear violation ⁢of​ international norms and a threat to regional security. Iran, a‌ known state sponsor of terrorism, continues‍ to export violence and instability throughout the Middle East. Its support for⁢ Hamas is not only detrimental to ⁢Israeli security but also⁢ undermines peace efforts in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The arms‍ seized⁢ from Hamas ​highlight the need⁤ for increased international efforts to ⁤address Iranian aggression and support for terrorism. It is imperative for the international community⁣ to ​condemn Iran’s actions and impose further sanctions to curtail its​ support for terrorist organizations.

Furthermore, this discovery underscores the importance of Israel’s security measures along the Gaza border. The​ IDF’s​ relentless ⁣efforts​ to thwart terrorist attacks and ​prevent the smuggling of weapons have once again proven critical in maintaining the safety and well-being of Israeli citizens.

Israel has the right to defend itself against any threats to its security and its people. The IDF’s actions in uncovering this Iranian-backed operation demonstrate Israel’s commitment to⁣ protecting its citizens from terrorist organizations. The international⁣ community must stand in solidarity with Israel‌ in its ⁢fight against terrorism and support⁢ its efforts to maintain regional ⁣stability.

The significant seizure of weapons from Hamas not only exposes the extent‌ of Iran’s support for terrorist activities​ but also serves as a wake-up call to⁢ the international community. ⁣It is ‍crucial that nations unite to address Iran’s ‌role in destabilizing the region and hold ‌it accountable ⁢for⁢ its actions.

In conclusion, the recent revelation ⁤of weapons seized from Hamas provides undeniable evidence of Iran’s direct support for the terrorist group. These weapons pose a‌ significant threat to ⁢Israeli security and regional stability. The international community must take decisive action to condemn Iran’s actions and curb its support ⁣for terrorism. ​Israel’s unwavering commitment ​to its own ​security serves as a⁣ reminder⁢ of the importance‍ of ⁣standing against terrorism and working towards lasting peace in‍ the region.

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