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Website Posts Names and Addresses of Trump Grand Jury After Decision to Indict

A new report claims the grand jurors who voted to indict former President Donald Trump in Georgia this week were doxxed and had their photos posted online.

Trump and 18 other people were indicted on a number of serious alleged crimes related to the former president’s challenging of Georgia’s handling of the 2020 election.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis alleged crimes of false statements, solicitation and racketeering were committed, among others.

An indictment was handed down after one was posted online erroneously and deleted before jurors had voted on whether to bring charges. A court clerk was blamed for the apparent error.

On Wednesday, NBC News reported the names, addresses and photos of the jurors were shared online on a website it called “fringe.”

The information was also shared on social media.

The names of the jurors were actually made public by Fulton County when the indictment was released, which NBC News left out of the report.

As The Washington Post reported, the names of the jurors were included on page 9 of the indictment.

The Post further noted state law requires the names of grand jurors to be public information:

“The law, which is aimed at bringing transparency to criminal proceedings, doesn’t give judges options to protect the privacy of jurors, experts said — even in a high-profile case like Trump’s indictment that could expose them to intense scrutiny or even threats.”

The publishing of the addresses and photos of the jurors drew the ire of the head of an advocacy group called Advance Democracy which calls itself “nonpartisan.”

The group’s founder, a former FBI agent named Daniel Jones, said Advance Democracy was among the first to discover the alleged doxxing of the jurors.

“It’s becoming all too commonplace to see everyday citizens performing necessary functions for our democracy being targeted with violent threats by Trump-supporting extremists,” Jones told NBC News.

He added, ”The lack of political leadership on the right to denounce these threats — which serve to inspire real-world political violence — is shameful.”

Democratic Rep. Ted Lieu of California shared NBC’s reporting online and broadly attacked Trump supporters.

Former FBI agent Peter Strzok also chimed in:

According to Jones, not only were addresses and photos published, but so too were social media posts that showed some jurors supported people such as Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Sen. Raphael Warnock of Georgia.

Other jurors reportedly had showed support online for the Black Lives Matter movement.

The post Website Posts Names and Addresses of Trump Grand Jury After Decision to Indict appeared first on The Western Journal.

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