Conservative News Daily

Wedding guests spot odd woman at ceremony – Her arrest reveals shocking scheme.

Serial Wedding Crasher Arrested⁢ Again for Stealing Gifts in Three States

Police have apprehended Sandra‌ Lynn Henson, a notorious uninvited wedding guest and ⁤convicted thief from Mississippi. According to, Henson,‌ 56, was arrested in Pontotoc County, Mississippi, ⁤for petty larceny, trespassing, and disturbing the peace at yet another ⁤wedding she‌ crashed.

Little did the ⁤authorities know that they had captured the infamous “Mid-south Wedding Crasher.”

The Pontotoc County⁢ Sheriff’s Office revealed, “Apparently Miss Henson has been arrested in Alabama, Tennessee,⁢ and⁤ Mississippi for crashing weddings and stealing money and cards from purses.”

Henson’s criminal ⁤ career as a wedding crasher and thief dates back⁤ to at least 2017 when she was ‌caught on surveillance video stealing from Sarah Ormon’s wedding, as reported by⁣ WATN-TV.

Ormon expressed her unease,⁢ stating, “It was really kind of unnerving that ​someone had the nerve⁤ to⁣ do that.”

By 2019, ⁤Henson had ⁢expanded her operations, facing ⁤theft charges in two separate cases in Florence, Alabama.

Once news of these charges spread, wedding guests from Mississippi, Alabama, and Tennessee came forward, claiming to have seen Henson ‌at their own weddings.

It became clear that Henson targeted wedding party changing rooms, ⁤where she would‌ help⁢ herself to gift envelopes and money from purses, according to ‌

Remarkably, ⁢Henson’s criminal career did not end there.

Over the next two ⁤years, she⁢ encountered law enforcement and the justice system ‍multiple times. Her probation was revoked by a Tennessee judge, and a Mississippi judge sentenced her to five years in ​prison, set to expire in January 2025.

Despite her lawyer’s plea for leniency due to health ​conditions, the judge ‍dismissed it, stating, “If ‍she was healthy enough​ to crash ‍weddings, she is healthy enough to go to prison,” as reported by WATN.

Although the ⁣Mississippi Department of Corrections ⁢database ​did not provide an ‍explanation, Henson was released early.

Thus, her criminal career continued until her recent arrest.

Henson’s absurd​ compulsion to​ steal and her even more absurd decision to persist in her thieving ways despite multiple arrests and a prison term highlights two important facts about modern American life.

Firstly, incidents of petty theft have ‍surged in recent years,​ leading some ⁤stores to lock away ‍merchandise or abandon certain cities altogether.

Secondly, criminals are drawn to easy targets, and few targets‌ are ⁢softer than large weddings.

In the 2005 romantic comedy “Wedding⁣ Crashers,” starring Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson, two unscrupulous⁣ yet likable bachelors crashed weddings to meet women.⁢ While hilarity ensued, no one noticed ⁢that they didn’t belong.

Perhaps Henson picked up a few practical lessons from the ⁤movie.

However, if justice prevails, she won’t enjoy the same happy ending.

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Whatever the reason, I immediately ‍knew ⁤what to do. We had to turn ‌to you because, frankly, we know you are the only ones we can trust.

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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

The post Wedding Guests Notice Strange‍ Woman at Ceremony‌ – When She’s Arrested,‌ the Scope of Her Alleged ⁤Scheme Becomes ⁣Clear appeared first on The Western Journal.

How did Sarah Ormon feel⁤ about Sandra Lynn​ Henson stealing from ‍her wedding

Serial Wedding Crasher Arrested⁢ Again for⁤ Stealing Gifts in Three States

Police have apprehended⁣ Sandra‌ Lynn Henson,‍ a notorious uninvited wedding guest and ⁤convicted thief from Mississippi. According to, Henson,‌ 56, was arrested in Pontotoc County,⁣ Mississippi, ⁤for petty larceny, trespassing, and disturbing the peace at yet another⁤ ⁤wedding she‌ crashed.

Little‍ did the ⁤authorities know that they⁢ had captured the infamous “Mid-south Wedding Crasher.”

The‌ Pontotoc County⁢ Sheriff’s Office revealed, ⁢”Apparently Miss Henson ‍has‌ been arrested in Alabama, Tennessee,⁢ and⁤ Mississippi for crashing weddings and stealing money‌ and cards from purses.”

Henson’s criminal⁤ ⁤career as a wedding crasher and thief dates back⁤ to at least 2017 when she was ‌caught on​ surveillance video stealing from Sarah Ormon’s wedding, as reported​ by⁣ WATN-TV.

Ormon expressed her unease,⁢ stating, “It was really kind ‌of ​unnerving that ​someone had the nerve⁤ to⁣ ​do that.”

By 2019,⁣ ⁤Henson had ⁢expanded her operations, facing ⁤theft charges ‌in ⁣two separate cases in Florence

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