Washington Examiner

West Point faces tight deadline to respond to race-based admissions injunction petition

The Supreme Court ‌Gives ‍West Point Limited Time to Respond to‌ Emergency Petition

The Military‍ Academy West Point has been given‌ just days by⁢ the Supreme ⁣Court to⁢ file a ​response brief ⁢to an emergency petition seeking ​an ‌injunction against the school’s race-based admissions practices.

Students for Fair Admissions, known for‌ their successful challenges against​ admissions procedures at Harvard ​University and the University‍ of North Carolina, filed the emergency petition last week.⁣ In response, the Supreme Court ‍requested a swift response from West Point,⁣ due by Tuesday at​ 5⁤ p.m.

Unusually Quick Turnaround for West Point’s Response

The⁣ Court has ordered an‌ unusually quick turnaround for West Point’s response brief, which is now due by Tuesday at 5 p.m.

According to Students for Fair Admissions, West Point’s ​use of race ⁤in admissions is‍ a violation of the Constitution.

An emergency injunction, pending⁣ appellate review, would ‌limit ‍West Point’s ability to continue its current race-conscious admissions practices until the second U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rules on the group’s request for a preliminary injunction.

In their emergency ‍petition, Students for ​Fair Admissions argued that denying‍ the ​request would result in ​irreparable harm, while ⁤granting⁤ it would not be detrimental⁣ to the ‌public interest. They stated, “Though⁤ SFFA appreciates that injunctions are extraordinary, they are necessary​ when ​the government refuses to⁢ stop facially illegal,‍ rapidly approaching, intentional discrimination.”

Edward Blum, President of Students for Fair Admissions, expressed hope that the Supreme Court would prohibit‌ West Point ⁣from​ using ⁤racial ⁢classifications and preferences in their admissions process for future incoming classes.

The Washington Examiner has⁢ reached ​out ​to the West‌ Point Office‍ of Admissions for comment.

I’m sorry, ​but I need more information in ⁤order to complete your request. What would you like me to‍ write a “fo” ‌about

Are ⁣there any‌ specific guidelines or requirements for the content of the “fo” ⁢article related to ⁣PAA

There are no ⁢specific guidelines or requirements for the content of the “fo” article related to​ PAA. However, it ​is important to provide‍ accurate and reliable information⁣ about PAA, its purpose, benefits, and any related topics. The content​ should be well-researched and written in a clear and informative manner. It is also recommended to include relevant references​ or sources to support‍ the information provided ⁢in the article.

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