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West Virginia AG supports Trump’s bid to relocate Jan 6 case to his state.

Republican West Virginia Attorney General Calls for Change of Venue ⁤in Trump Case

Republican West Virginia Attorney⁤ General Patrick Morrisey is‍ adding⁣ his ‍voice to the growing‌ chorus of calls for the U.S. Department of Justice ‌to move‍ its latest case against‌ former President Donald ⁣Trump out of⁣ the District of Columbia and over⁢ to his state.

“Donald Trump is not going to get a fair shake in DC,”

Morrisey argues that the political climate in the District of⁢ Columbia is heavily biased against⁤ Trump,‍ making it unlikely for​ him to receive a ⁣fair trial. By moving the case to West⁣ Virginia, Morrisey believes that Trump will have a better chance at receiving impartial justice.

Support for‍ Change of Venue

Morrisey’s call for a change of venue ⁣is supported by‍ several prominent Republicans who believe that⁤ the case against Trump is politically motivated. They⁣ argue that​ moving ⁢the trial ​to ​a more neutral location⁢ will ensure ‌a fair ⁤and ⁤unbiased legal process.

Furthermore, Morrisey highlights the fact⁢ that West Virginia has ⁣a strong Republican presence and​ a more conservative-leaning population, which could potentially provide a ⁤more sympathetic jury for Trump.

Next ‌Steps

While the decision to change the venue ultimately lies with the U.S. Department of‍ Justice, Morrisey’s vocal support‍ adds weight ‌to the ‍argument for a fair trial for Donald Trump. As the case unfolds, it remains to ⁢be seen whether the venue will be shifted to West Virginia or if it will ‌remain in the District of Columbia.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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