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What are “lazy girl jobs”?

First, there was the “great resignation,” then there was “quiet quitting,” and⁢ now ‍the trend is “lazy ‌girl job.” Some Generation Zs and millennials have embraced the lazy girl jobs concept.

Is this an‍ anti-work philosophy? Many claim it’s⁢ a⁣ rebellion against high-pressure work​ that ⁤leaves little time for ‍personal life. Others claim the next generation doesn’t want to work, but insists on large salaries. But what is a lazy girl job, and how did ​this trend start?

‘Lazy Girl Job’ and No Pressure Work

A lazy girl job is one that can be accomplished in the standard 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. timeframe. The tasks aren’t demanding, but the salary is lucrative.

It also has easygoing managers. And the job is devoid of the traditional manager⁢ who applies pressure to ⁣get the work done ⁣on a timely ⁤basis. It comes down to rejecting the American hustle ⁤culture that has always been part of a career path. These employees aren’t convinced that buying‍ into the⁢ hustle-bustle system‍ is the way ‍to advance.

These‍ jobs usually pay‌ between $60,000 ‌and $80,000⁤ without the pressure of working outside the designated hours.

The lazy girl job is usually remote ​or⁢ hybrid and ‍offers ​a ⁤balance between work and personal life.

This​ is a rejection of the “Girl Boss” ⁣trend that⁤ permeated social media previously. Girl ‌Boss is a woman that wants to be their own boss through self-employment or corporate ladder climbing.

‘Lazy Girl Jobs’ Phrase ‌Coined on ⁣Tik‌ Tok

In ​a Gallup survey,⁣ 23 percent of U.S. workers said they were not engaged​ with their work,⁢ while the remainder said they were doing‌ the bare minimum, or “quiet quitting.” Lack ⁤of a⁣ balanced work/life⁢ seems to be⁤ the culprit‌ for the dissatisfaction.

Gabrielle Judge, a​ career ⁤influencer on TikTok, coined lazy girl job in May 2023. Although she ​knew the phrase ⁢had⁢ a negative ​connotation, her⁣ goal was to ⁢spark a conversation⁢ about balancing personal life with a toxic workplace.

She promoted the concept of low-stress jobs‍ that still paid well.

Reaction to Quiet ⁢Quitting

Part of the lazy girl job phenomenon is a reaction to the “quiet quitting” trend. Quiet quitting⁢ is the ⁣act ⁣of slowly quitting a job ⁢by just not‍ doing it.

Both the quiet quitting and lazy girl job rebel against⁢ work interfering with personal life. You can‍ call⁣ it work/life balance or slacking off, but both terms are used to explain the new trend ​with Gen Z and ⁢millennial employees.

COVID Spurred Need ‍for More Personal Time

When ⁢people ⁢first returned to work after the shutdown, 23 percent expressed ⁢discontent⁣ with their job. Twenty-six percent⁣ said it was harder to balance work and family responsibilities.‌

And now ⁣more than half of workers are dissatisfied with the balance between ‌work and personal life.

Many Gen Zs are ⁤leading the charge to have it all with comfortable salaries and more personal⁢ time.

Outing a Lazy Girl‌ Job

TikTok is a place for many⁤ Gen Zs and millennials⁢ to talk about their life. Many employees ​went on TikTok to speak about their lazy girl⁤ job. But is it wise to tell the world ⁢you’re in one?

Ms. Judge ⁢warned many employees not to go on TikTok to brag. Retaliation from ‌a boss was possible. She referred to it as “corporate snitching.”

Pros ⁣of Lazy Girl ⁣Jobs

A work/life‍ balance ⁤is the most significant benefit‍ of a lazy girl job. But it’s subjective‌ and comes down to priorities. While some people want traditional items like a house, vacations, and private schools‌ for children, others wish​ freedom to do what⁢ they⁣ want.

A ‌lazy ‌girl job o

Read More From Original Article Here: What Are ‘Lazy Girl Jobs’?

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