The federalist

What Happened When The FBI Interviewed Me About The Smear Campaign Against Brett Kavanaugh

This is an excerpt of “The Devil’s Triangle: Mark Judge vs. the New American Stasi,” by Mark Judge, out on Nov. 14 from Post Hill Press.

On September 18, just two days after [Christine Blasey] Ford broke her story [claiming Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her] in the Post, the Hill reported that President Trump was bent on exposing what he called a “corrupt” FBI. John Solomon and Buck Sexton reported that Trump “said Tuesday he ordered the release of classified documents in the Russia collusion case to show the public the FBI probe started as a ‘hoax’ and that exposing it could become one of the ‘crowning achievements’ of his presidency.”

It later would be revealed that [FBI Director James] Comey wrote seven memos summarizing his interactions with Trump and then sent one of them to a personal friend and lawyer, directing him to leak the contents to a New York Times reporter. The leak resulted in the appointment of a special counsel to investigate the president.          

As the IG’s report later concluded, “The unauthorized disclosure of this information—information that Comey knew only by virtue of his position as FBI Director—violated the terms of his FBI Employment Agreement and the FBI’s Prepublication Review Policy.”

Then there was the ridiculous figure of Frank Figliuzzi. The former assistant director of the FBI, Figliuzzi was a fixture on MSNBC, where he served up left-wing concern porn about conservatives.

Right after the FBI probe was announced, Figliuzzi appeared on MSNBC with notorious liar and hack Brian Williams. Figliuzzi didn’t have anything to say about Ford’s testimony. He was too excited about us getting nailed by the bureau. “This is where the FBI shines when it is allowed to,” he said. “Pagers have gone off, text messages are being sent, calls are being made. Everybody has been on standby. If you are in the Baltimore division that covers Georgetown Prep where Kavanaugh went to high school, if you are in the New Haven, Connecticut division that covers Yale, if you are in California where some of the accusers and survivors are, you are in action…tonight.”

Another talking head on Williams’s show was left-wing attorney Barbara McQuade. To her there was no doubt where the investigation should start: “The place that I would start with is with Mark Judge. This is the one person that Dr. Ford actually puts in the room when this alleged sexual assault occurred. And so talking to him could be so critically important. I know that he has submitted a letter saying that he doesn’t remember this, but that’s so different from having an FBI agent show up on his doorstep.”

Given all this evidence of partisan corruption at the Bureau, I was naturally apprehensive about my interview.


At my request the meeting took place at the shiny new FBI building in Manassas, Virginia, about twenty miles outside of Washington. I arrived early, before three o’clock, parked in a lower lot, then walked up to the

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