What Is Georgia’s Governor Kemp Going to Do Now that the Georgia Results He Signed Off on Are Invalid?

What Is Georgia’s Governor Kemp Going to Do Now that the Georgia Results He Signed Off on Are Invalid?GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger certified the election results in November, giving Joe Biden the state’s 16 electoral votes.

“Working as an engineer throughout my life, I live by that numbers don’t lie. As secretary of state, I believe that the numbers that we have presented today are correct,” Raffensperger said during a news conference. “The numbers reflect the verdict of the people, not a decision by the secretary of state’s office or our courts, or of either campaigns.”

Raffensperger then took no questions.

TRENDING: HUGE! Video Footage From Georgia Shows Suitcases Filled with Ballots Pulled From Under Table AFTER Supervisor Told GOP Poll Workers to Leave Tabulation Center

Even at that time the recount appeared to be rigged because elections officials were not checking signatures and it was also revealed that the state instructed officials to report original vote totals.

Furthermore, only 1 election observer was allowed at every 10 tables.

Several Georgia recount workers, including Democrats, have described odd batches of pristine ballots with perfectly marked bubbles all for Joe Biden during the counts.

One Georgia recount worker went on the record in Wood v. Raffensperger and described an odd batch of ballots that stood out — pristine sheets with no markings that went 98% to Joe Biden.

The monitor describes how ballots that had been handled looked worn and had already been written on — except for a magical pristine batch for Joe Biden.

The recount worker said this pristine batch of ballots had a different texture and that the markings for the candidates were “unusually uniform” as if marked by a ballot-marking device.

President Trump tweeted to Brian Kemp to get tough after virtually zero ballots were rejected this election compared to a 4% rejection rate in years past.

Trump tagged Brian Kemp again asking for the signatures to be checked.

But Kemp never did anything.  Instead, he certified the results as well on November 21st:

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp certified the state’s presidential election results Friday in favor of President-elect Joe Biden — but called for an audit of the votes.

These were big mistakes by Kemp and Raffensperger because on November 12th we had already reported that there was no evidence of any water main break on election night in Atlanta despite reports to the contrary.  This reported break was why counters were sent home that night:

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: More on Georgia Water Main Break Scam on Election Day – There’s No Evidence to Show It Even Occurred

Then today we found out that individuals stuck around in the Atlanta Center on election night after the water main break occurred and everyone else was sent home.  These individuals then pulled out suitcases from under the tables and kept on doing what they were doing with no supervision and no Republican review:

HUGE! Video Footage From Georgia Shows Suitcases Filled with Ballots Pulled From Under Table AFTER Supervisor Told GOP Poll Workers to Leave Tabulation Center

Wow, so now what does Georgia do?  How many thousands of votes were counted in Atlanta on election night after the water main break?  Will a real audit finally be performed to identify the real winner of the Presidential election in Georgia or will all the results be thrown out because of Democrat fraud?

Read More From Original Article Here:

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