Washington Examiner

Findings from one year of House investigation into COVID-19 origins

House Republicans Uncover ‌Mysteries Surrounding COVID-19 Origins

House Republicans have made significant progress in unraveling⁤ the secrets behind the origins of COVID-19, shedding light on the pandemic that shook the world three years ago. Under‌ the leadership‌ of former Speaker Kevin‌ McCarthy (R-CA), the Select Subcommittee​ on​ the Coronavirus ‌Pandemic embarked on a mission⁣ to investigate the origins of the virus in early January 2023. Since then, Chairman Brad ⁤Wenstrup (R-OH) has spearheaded numerous breakthroughs, not only in ⁣identifying the source​ of the pandemic but also in fortifying measures to prevent similar emergencies in the future.


Let’s take a closer look at the most crucial moments from the COVID-19 origins investigation in 2023.

Wuhan Lab Report

In March 2023, Congress unanimously passed the COVID-19 Origin⁤ Act, which mandated ⁣the Office of the Director‍ of National Intelligence to declassify and release intelligence on the Wuhan Institute of Virology. ​This⁤ lab was ​suspected to be the source of SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible ‌for ⁤COVID-19. Just three days after the deadline ⁤set by Congress, the report was published, revealing a divided⁣ intelligence⁣ community ​regarding the precise origin of the virus.

The National Intelligence Council, along with‍ four other‍ intelligence agencies, concluded that the initial​ infection most likely​ occurred through natural exposure to an infected animal. However,​ the Department of Energy and⁢ the FBI believed that a laboratory-associated incident was the primary cause of the⁢ first human infection with SARS-CoV-2. It is ​important to note that⁢ most intelligence agencies agreed that the virus was not laboratory-adapted and was not developed as a bioweapon.

Suppression of the Lab Leak Theory

The select subcommittee dedicated considerable⁢ time to investigating the scientific paper titled “The proximal origins ⁣of SARS-CoV-2,” published in Nature Medicine in March 2020. This paper discredited the lab leak theory, suggesting that the virus originated naturally. In June, the subcommittee subpoenaed the authors of⁤ the paper and ‍produced a detailed report revealing the involvement of the⁤ National Institutes of Health​ (NIH) in the‌ initial research stages.

Communications between ‌the authors indicated that they initially believed the virus came from a lab accident. However, their perspective quickly⁣ changed following a phone ​call with top NIH and World Health Organization (WHO) ‍officials. ⁣Notable ⁤figures ⁤on ‌the call​ included Anthony‍ Fauci,‌ Francis Collins, Lawrence Tabak, ‌and Jeremy Farrar. The authors, Kristian Andersen and Robert Garry, testified before the subcommittee and denied⁣ any conspiracy to distort evidence discrediting the lab leak theory.

Following their testimony, the Department of Health and Human Services has obstructed congressional investigations into⁤ the virus’s origins, claiming a lack of resources to comply with information requests.

Bipartisan Calls for Strengthening Biosafety

One ⁢of the key outcomes of the origins investigation has been the bipartisan push to enhance domestic and ⁤international biosafety and biosecurity ​standards. This priority gained prominence during a mid-October hearing ‍held by the subcommittee, where strategies to increase oversight of dangerous pathogen research were discussed. ​Such research plays a crucial role in predicting viral outbreaks and preventing⁤ pandemics.

While⁣ potential reforms to domestic bioresearch safety have been suggested, the subcommittee has recently⁣ focused on ‌advocating for⁣ reforms to the​ WHO’s ability⁢ to enforce⁤ existing ⁢international rules. Witnesses in​ subcommittee hearings have emphasized that‍ the⁢ WHO lacks sufficient enforcement power to hold nations⁤ accountable for violating ⁣agreed-upon‌ standards in hazardous pathogen research.

Top Priorities for 2024

Looking ahead, Chairman Wenstrup announced that he will not seek reelection after serving⁤ 11 years in ⁢Congress. However, until the start of the 119th‍ Congress in 2025, the panel ⁣has several important tasks at hand.

Dr. Fauci has‍ agreed to transcribed interviews detailing his role⁤ in determining the origins of the virus and advising Presidents Donald Trump and Joe‌ Biden. Dates for a public hearing before⁣ the whole committee are yet to be⁤ announced.

Additionally, Wenstrup plans to meet with WHO officials, including Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, to discuss preventing the public health agency from being manipulated by the⁣ Chinese Communist Party.

In ⁢the spring ​of 2024,⁢ the WHO will ​release the final draft of the Pandemic Accords, ​an international agreement governing pandemic preparedness in‍ the face of future global public health crises.

How can sensitive information related⁣ to national security be ‌effectively protected during investigations into COVID-19’s origins?

Need to ​protect sensitive information related to national⁣ security. This blockade has raised ​concerns ‍about the transparency ​and accountability of the government in uncovering the truth behind COVID-19’s origins.

James Biden Allegations

In a stunning⁢ revelation, a witness testified before⁣ the subcommittee that James Biden, brother of President Joe Biden, received $600,000 in​ consulting fees after promising political favors related to COVID-19 contracts and opportunities. The witness, a former business associate of James⁣ Biden, provided evidence and documents to support these claims. This allegation raises serious questions about the‌ ethics and possible corruption surrounding contract allocations during the early stages of the pandemic.

The subcommittee has launched a separate investigation into these allegations, and it is ⁤imperative that a thorough‌ and unbiased examination be conducted to determine the extent of James Biden’s involvement ⁢and ​any potential wrongdoing. This investigation must be pursued with utmost diligence to ensure transparency and uphold the principles of justice.

The COVID-19 origins investigation undertaken by House Republicans has unveiled significant revelations, raising important questions⁣ about​ the initial ‍handling of the pandemic and the involvement of key figures and institutions. The report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence has⁣ provided valuable insights, highlighting the divergent views within the intelligence community regarding the source of the virus.

Furthermore, the‍ subcommittee’s scrutiny of the lab leak theory and the subsequent revelation of the NIH’s involvement in the initial research stages have shed light on potential conflicts of interest and ‍the suppression of alternative theories. The⁢ obstruction of congressional investigations ‌by the Department of⁣ Health⁣ and Human Services further underscores the ⁤need for ‌transparency and accountability in uncovering the truth.

Finally, the allegations against James Biden demand a thorough investigation to ascertain the veracity of the claims and ⁣expose any‍ possible corruption regarding COVID-19 contracts and opportunities. It ‍is vital that this investigation be conducted with the utmost integrity and impartiality to restore public trust and‌ uphold the highest standards of⁤ governance.

The House Republicans’ pursuit of the truth regarding COVID-19’s origins is commendable. Their efforts have brought to light important information and exposed potential improprieties,⁢ contributing to a fuller understanding of the pandemic’s origins. It is imperative that the findings from these investigations guide future policies and prevent similar emergencies from occurring in the future.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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