“Whether a Person Died in a Nursing Home or Hospital… WHO CARES? THEY DIED?” – Governor Cuomo Proves He’s as Heartless as He is Reckless with NY Lives (VIDEO)


New York had the highest rate of deaths of any state in the US and this is due to the inhumane and murderous policies of Governor Cuomo and his Department of Health.

Back in May we reported that New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo, Health Commissioner Howard Zucker, MD and Executive Deputy Commissioner Sally Dreslin’s actions led to thousands of deaths in New York state.

New York’s Department of Health released a ludicrous directive early on in the pandemic in 2020 that forced nursing homes in New York state to take in infected coronavirus patients.


This  insane policy caused several thousand deaths in New York state.

On Thursday the New York State Attorney General admitted that nursing home deaths in New York State were undercounted by as much as 50%.

On Friday Governor Andrew Cuomo proved he is as heartless as he is reckless.

The New York Governor told reporters, “Whether a person died in a nursing home or a hospital… Who cares? They died!”

The post “Whether a Person Died in a Nursing Home or Hospital… WHO CARES? THEY DIED?” – Governor Cuomo Proves He’s as Heartless as He is Reckless with NY Lives (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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