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White House demands Fox News apologize for host’s ‘offensive remarks’ about Arab-Americans and the Muslim world.

The White House⁤ Demands Fox ⁣News Apologize for Popular Host’s ‘Sickening⁣ Attack’ on ‘Arab Arab-Americans and Muslim World’

The White House has accused Fox News host Jesse Watters of speaking “hate” and demanded he apologize over comments⁢ he⁤ made about ​the ⁤Islamic ⁣world ‍on the network this week.

While referring to a rash of anti-Semitic bad actors who have⁤ taken to tearing down public images⁤ of civilians kidnapped during‌ the Oct.​ 7 Hamas attacks against Israel, Watters shined a light on the public hatred for Jews in ⁣this country and elsewhere.

On Wednesday’s edition of “The Five,” the co-host addressed the posters and the Arab world ‌at large.

“I want to say something about Arab Americans⁤ and about the ⁤Muslim‌ world,” Watters opened.

He added:

“We, and when I say we, I mean, the West and Western technology — ‍have created the Middle‍ East. We⁤ made them rich. We got that oil out of the ground. ⁣Our military protects⁢ all of these‌ oil shipments flying around the world, making ‌them rich.

“We fund their military. We respect their⁢ kings. We kill their terrorists, okay? But we’ve had ‍it. We’ve had ⁢it with them.”

Watters then complained ⁢about the instability of the Middle East and laid into people⁤ who have been seen tearing down images of hostages, ⁣such as ​the man in the video below.

“Obama,⁣ Trump, now Biden, have tried to get the heck out of that stupid desert,” Watters said. “Just as we’re about to get out, because we ‍have this great balance of power we’re arranging, these crazy ‍Muslim fanatics come in and massacre over a⁣ thousand of our ⁢allies⁢ and hold Jewish people hostage, hold Americans hostage. And so, if you are an Arab American in this ‍country and you rip⁣ down posters of Jewish hostages, of American hostages, no!”

The host continued, “No, no, no. Someone is ‍gonna get punched in the face.⁢ When you rip down posters of  ‍hostages like that‍ — ‌this is — absolutely not.”

Watters concluded his ‌comments by taking aim at The New York ‍Times and⁣ its biased ⁤approach to the ongoing conflict and said such coverage⁤ is “making‌ everybody ⁣crazy.”

After the broadcast, White⁣ House spokesman Andrew​ Bates attacked Watters over ⁤his comments.

“These hateful lies about ‘Arab Americans and … the Muslim world’ ⁢highlight the⁤ urgency of​ President Biden’s work to ensure hate ⁢has no safe‌ harbor in America, and why he committed to ‍the first national anti-Islamophobia strategy in our history,” Bates said in a statement to The Daily Beast.

Bates added,⁣ “These unacceptable remarks ⁢come just weeks after‍ the heartbreaking killing of a 6-year-old Palestinian-American child, and during a spike in threats against‍ Muslim and Arab Americans. Fox News owes an apology to every single viewer for this sickening attack on the rights and dignity of their fellow Americans.

“President Biden will always stand up against⁤ Islamophobia, antisemitism, and all forms of hate. Fox News should learn from his example.”

Watters has not apologized‌ for the comments.

On Wednesday, in spite of an uptick in anti-Semitism across the world, the White House announced an initiative to combat “Islamophobia,” the Associated Press reported.

Vice President‍ Kamala Harris spoke about the initiative on social media.

“This action is the latest step forward ⁤in our work to combat a⁣ surge of‌ hate in America,” she claimed.

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The ​post White House Demands Fox News ​Apologize for⁤ Popular Host’s‌ ‘Sickening Attack’ on ‘Arab Arab-Americans and Muslim World’ ‌ appeared‌ first on The Western Journal.

‍ How do Jesse Watters’ remarks on Fox News contribute to the promotion of prejudice and stigmatization against Arab Arab-Americans and the Muslim world?

The‍ White ⁤House‍ has called on Fox News⁣ to issue​ an apology for remarks made by host Jesse Watters regarding Arab Arab-Americans and the Muslim world. Watters’ comments, ‍which were made on the network’s ​show “The ⁢Five,” were deemed to be hateful and⁢ contributed ‌to the promotion of prejudice.

During⁤ the segment, Watters discussed the recent attacks by Hamas against Israel and the subsequent tearing down of images of kidnapped civilians. In doing so, he highlighted the hatred towards Jews, ‌both ‌in the United States and around the world.

Watters began his statement by addressing ⁢Arab Americans and the Muslim world⁣ at large. ​He claimed that the West​ and Western technology had played a significant role in creating the Middle East and making the region rich through ⁣oil extraction. He further stated that Western ⁣military protected oil shipments and funded the military of​ Middle Eastern nations, while⁢ respecting their rulers and combating their terrorists.

The Fox News host then‌ expressed his frustration with the instability in the Middle East and ⁤criticized those who ​tore down images of hostage victims. This criticism ⁣came in response to a video shared on Twitter‍ depicting ⁢an individual tearing down posters of kidnapped children and babies⁢ held hostage in​ Gaza.

Watters attributed ‍this ⁤ongoing conflict to the reluctance of U.S. presidents, including Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden, to withdraw from the region. He ⁤claimed that⁣ just as the U.S. was about to successfully extricate itself due to a balance⁤ of ‍power, “crazy Muslim ​fanatics” ⁤would carry out massacres and hold Jewish and American individuals hostage.

The White House has condemned these‍ remarks as inciting hatred and prejudice towards Arab Arab-Americans and the Muslim world. They argue ‌that such comments only serve to ‍perpetuate stereotypes and further polarize societal​ divisions. The demand for an apology⁢ from Fox News stems from a commitment to fostering an environment of tolerance, inclusivity, and⁤ mutual respect.

It is⁢ essential that media outlets are held ⁤accountable for the content they broadcast, especially ​when it contributes to ⁣the⁢ stigmatization and discrimination against particular communities. The responsibility ‌lies not only with journalists and hosts but also​ with news⁢ organizations to carefully monitor their programming and ensure that it adheres to ​ethical standards.

In the face of growing divisions within society, it is crucial to promote dialogue ‍and understanding among different cultures and religions. Initiatives that encourage empathy and education can play a significant role in breaking down barriers ⁣and fostering a more harmonious and inclusive society.

In conclusion, the White House’s demand for an apology from Fox News ⁢regarding Jesse Watters’ comments underscores the ‍need ‍for responsible journalism and⁣ a commitment to‍ fostering respect and understanding between different communities. It is⁣ essential that ⁢media organizations consider the impact of their content and work towards promoting‍ a more inclusive and ‌tolerant society.

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