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White House insists on no ceasefire until Hamas frees all hostages.

Despite fervent appeals led‍ by Russia and its allies, as well as international human rights groups, ⁣President Joe Biden stated on Monday that a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza should not occur‍ until Hamas releases its hostages.

When asked during a White ​House press briefing on “Bidenomics” if he would support calls for a ceasefire,​ President Biden asserted, “We should have ‌those ‍hostages ⁤released, and then we can talk.”

Echoing the sentiment, White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told CNN on Monday: “I thought the message was pretty⁤ clear to Hamas—release all the hostages. That needs to be the first move here.”

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“They gotta release all the hostages. We’re not talking‍ about a ceasefire right now. In fact, we don’t believe ‌that⁣ this is the time for a ceasefire,” Mr. Kirby said.

Mr. Kirby ⁤emphasized‍ that the⁤ U.S. government is working non-stop alongside the ​Israeli and Egyptian governments to get aid into Gaza ​through ‍the southern Rafah crossing to Egypt, while negotiation for‌ the release of⁣ all American hostages.

State Department spokesman Matthew⁤ Miller told reporters on Monday that any ceasefire would allow Hamas time to rest and regroup, and “to get ready to continue launching ‍terrorist attacks against Israel. “

“There are rockets, as I said⁢ a moment ago, that continue to be launched from Gaza targeting ‌Israel,” he said. ​”You can understand‌ perfectly clearly why that’s an intolerable situation⁢ for Israel, as it would be an intolerable situation for‍ any⁢ country that has suffered such a brutal terrorist attack and⁤ continues to see the terrorist threat right on its border.”

Russia, China, and Iran are among the voices to call⁢ for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.
The White House officials’​ comments came shortly after Hamas’s release of two ​more Israeli⁤ hostages, a move attributed to the humanitarian negotiations led by Egypt and Qatar.

Hamas Releases Two Elderly Israeli Hostages

Hamas released Yocheved Lifshitz, 85, and Nurit Cooper, 79, from Gaza into Egypt across the Rafah crossing on Monday. Ambulances⁣ were ready to⁣ transport⁣ them for urgent medical ​attention.

The two Israeli⁤ women ​were abducted along ​with their husbands from their homes in Kibbutz Nir Oz when ‍Hamas launched its cross-border attack on southern Israel on Oct. 7.

Their husbands, 83⁤ and 85 respectively,‍ remain​ in Hamas captivity.

Following the women’s release, the Israel’s Prime Minister’s Office expressed​ gratitude to Egypt and the Red Cross for assistance during the negotiations and transfer.

“The Government of ⁢Israel, the​ IDF, ‌and the entire security establishment will continue to work ‍with the best ⁤capabilities, and make every effort, ‍to locate all of the missing⁣ and bring all of the‌ captives back home,” the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office stated on X.

Two American Hostages⁢ Released Last Week

Hamas freed two American hostages, Judith Tai⁣ Raanan and Natalie Raanan, on Friday.

Judith Raanan, aged ⁢59, ⁢and her ‍17-year-old daughter Natalie ‍had been visiting the ​Nahal Oz, a kibbutz located approximately one mile from the ⁣Gaza border.

The visit was part of a trip⁢ they took from ⁤their residence ​in Evanston, Chicago, to commemorate ​the Jewish holidays and​ celebrate Judith’s mother’s 85th ​birthday.

The mother and daughter were handed over to Israeli forces at the Gaza Strip border⁢ on Friday, Israeli Prime Minister’s Office confirmed.

The group stated that it was releasing the pair for humanitarian reasons as part of an arrangement with the Qatari government.

Doha reportedly holds major sways⁤ over Hamas and has previously helped mediate truces between the Gaza-based Islamist group and Israel.

Around⁢ 200‍ hostages, over 10 of ‌whom are​ Americans, are⁣ still being held captive by the‍ group following their surprise attack on Israel earlier this month.

President Joe Biden ​speaks about the Hamas‍ terrorist group’s attacks ⁢on Israel as Vice ‌President Kamala Harris and Secretary of State Antony Blinken look on in the State Dining Room of the White Houses on Oct. 10, 2023. (Brendan Smialowski/AFP via⁢ Getty Images)
Following their‌ release, President Biden⁣ said in a statement he was “overjoyed that⁢ they will soon be reunited ⁣with their family.”
He concluded: “As president, I ⁤have no higher priority than ‌the safety of Americans held hostage around the world.”
The number of ​confirmed hostages seized during the ​attack by Hamas gunmen, who rampaged  kibbutz communities and military bases in southern Israel, has been raised to 222 individuals, as reported by Israel officials on Monday.
The ⁢Gaza ‍strip, which accommodates a densely packed population of two million Palestinians, is on⁤ the verge‌ of ‍a humanitarian catastrophe, the United Nations has warned following Hamas’s brutal acts in Israel, which triggered a military response by the Knesset that now seeks to eliminate‍ Hamas once and for all.

Vital supplies are ​alarmingly‌ scarce for civilians trapped in the unfolding conflict between Hamas and Israel, and the looming prospect of Israel’s ground invasion adds to the ⁢urgency of the situation.

How does the United States’⁢ focus on securing the release of ​hostages demonstrate its commitment⁤ to protecting American lives and interests in the region

E to regroup and rearm, posing a ‍greater threat to regional⁢ security. He stated, “We cannot‌ allow a temporary pause ⁤in ​hostilities to be used ‍by Hamas⁤ to rearm and continue its⁢ attacks on innocent civilians. We must prioritize the safety and security of⁢ the hostages, as well as the long-term stability in the region.”

This stance taken⁣ by the ⁣Biden administration comes as no surprise, considering the ⁢strong support that the United States has shown for Israel​ throughout the‍ ongoing conflict. President Biden has repeatedly ‍affirmed Israel’s right ​to defend itself against rocket attacks from Hamas and other militant groups based in Gaza. The⁤ Biden administration has also expressed concern over Hamas’ use of civilian⁢ infrastructure, such as schools and hospitals, to launch ⁣attacks against Israel.

The decision to link a⁣ ceasefire to the release of hostages is a strategic move by the United States. It not only ⁢puts⁣ pressure on Hamas to‍ relinquish its captives but also sends a clear message that the Biden administration​ will ‍prioritize ‌the safety ‍and well-being of American citizens and allies. By demanding the release of hostages, President Biden is ‍demonstrating his ‌commitment to​ protecting American lives and interests.

The issue of hostages is ‌not a new one in the conflict between Israel and Hamas. Over the years, Hamas has been⁢ known to capture⁤ and hold Israeli soldiers and ‍civilians as ⁢a means of ​exerting pressure on ⁢Israel. The ‌release of hostages ​has been a key⁤ demand in previous ceasefire agreements, and it remains a crucial sticking point ⁢in the current negotiations.

Understandably, calls for an immediate⁣ ceasefire ⁣have ⁣intensified as the casualties⁤ and destruction in Gaza continue to mount. The humanitarian crisis⁤ in the region is dire, ‌with thousands of Palestinians killed or injured and ​vital infrastructure​ severely damaged. International⁣ human rights organizations have called for an end⁢ to the⁣ violence and the‍ establishment ​of a ceasefire⁢ to allow humanitarian aid to ‌reach those in need.

While the United States acknowledges the urgency of ⁣addressing the humanitarian situation in Gaza, it firmly⁢ believes that the ‍release of hostages should be‌ the first step towards achieving ⁢a lasting ceasefire. The Biden administration recognizes that a ceasefire without the‍ release of hostages would not ⁣address ​the root cause of the conflict and would only serve to perpetuate the cycle of violence.

President Biden’s statement⁤ regarding the ceasefire in Gaza reflects the complexity and sensitivity ‌of the situation. It ‍underscores the United States’ commitment to upholding its principles while working towards a resolution that ensures the safety and security of‌ all parties⁤ involved.

As the conflict in‌ Gaza continues, it is essential for all parties to ‍engage in ‍meaningful ⁣dialogue⁢ and negotiations in order to reach a lasting⁤ solution. The release of hostages, ⁤along ‍with ​other measures aimed at addressing the underlying ⁢causes of the conflict, should be prioritized in order to achieve‍ genuine and sustainable peace in the region.

In ⁣the meantime, the United States will ​continue to work closely ⁤with its allies and partners to provide humanitarian assistance to the people of‍ Gaza while ​actively seeking the release⁤ of all hostages.⁣ President Biden’s​ position ‌on ⁣this matter demonstrates a commitment to upholding human rights, prioritizing the safety of American citizens, and working towards a peaceful resolution to the ongoing conflict ‍in the Middle East.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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