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White House staff avoid Biden due to vulgar outbursts: Report.

A New Report Reveals President Biden’s Short Temper and Profanity-Laden Outbursts

A recent report from Axios has shed light on President Joe Biden’s private demeanor, revealing a side of him that contradicts his carefully crafted image as a kind and gentle leader.

According to the report, President Biden has a short temper and frequently uses profanity in the White House. Some aides even go as far as avoiding solo meetings with him to avoid bearing the brunt of his outbursts alone. “No one is safe,” one administration official said.

While not as explosive as former President Bill Clinton’s temper, Biden’s anger is definitely present, as noted by Chris Whipple, author of “The Fight of His Life: Inside Joe Biden’s White House.” Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki even joked that she would know she had a good relationship with Biden when he yelled at her for the first time.

Biden’s short fuse is not limited to private settings. He has been known to snap at reporters in public, as seen in recent incidents where he became visibly frustrated when questioned about various topics.

This is not the first time Biden’s temper has been brought to public attention. In 2021, The New York Times referred to him as “a president with a short fuse.” Axios also reported on a notable incident in 2021 where Biden erupted at then-COVID czar Jeff Zients, although the details of the outburst remain undisclosed.

Biden’s management style is characterized by interrogating his aides until he stumps them with a question they cannot answer, a practice referred to as “stump the chump” or “stump the dummy.” These outbursts are often referred to as “admonitions” rather than rages.

Biden’s outbursts at staff are not rages. They’re ‘admonitions.’

— Byron York (@ByronYork) July 10, 2023

Jeff Connaughton, a former Biden campaign and Senate aide, highlighted Biden’s temper in his book, “The Payoff: Why Wall Street Wins.” According to Connaughton, Biden was an “egomaniacal autocrat” who managed his staff through fear.

One anecdote from the 2008 presidential campaign exemplifies Biden’s temper. When a 23-year-old fundraising staffer asked him to make fundraising calls, Biden responded with a profanity-laden outburst, telling the staffer to “get the f*** out of the car.”

Despite his efforts to project a folksy and amiable image, Biden’s occasional flashes of anger reveal a different side of him. The report concludes that White House staffers actively try to avoid being alone with Biden to minimize their exposure to his repeated vulgar outbursts.

The post White House Staffers Attempt to Avoid Alone Time with Biden Due to His Repeated Vulgar Outbursts: Report appeared first on The Western Journal.

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