The bongino report

White House Targets Gov. DeSantis After He Rejects Teaching CRT in Florida Schools

The White House became a target for Gov. Ron DeSantis once again became a target of Gov. Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United States, spoke Sunday. said, “Unfortunately, in Florida, extremist so-called leaders ban books, block history classes, and prevent teachers from freely discussing who they are and who they love. Anyone who bans teaching American history has no right to shape America’s future.”

Karine Jean-Pierre, White House Press Secretary, will be speaking on Friday claimed blocking the College Board’s Advanced Placement African-American history class “is incomprehensible. … If you think about the study of black Americans, that is what he [DeSantis] wants to block.”

Bryan Griffin, DeSantis’ Press Secretary, responded that Florida public schools must teach African-American history in order to be considered part of U.S. History. What Florida has banned, he pointed out, is teaching African-American history through a Marxist lens that pits racial groups against each other and assigns moral value to people’s God-given skin color.

Rejected new documents from College Board Florida published Monday Stanley Kurtz, Ethics and Public Policy Center scholar. They reinforce DeSantis’ argument, showing the AP African-American studies class is egregiously biased toward the extremist political left. It promotes critical race theory and racial segregation rather than providing information about the complicated histories of African Americans.

In fact, as Kurtz writes:

Overwhelmingly, [the College Board class] APAAS’s approach is from the socialist Left, with very little in the way of even conventional liberal perspectives represented, not to mention conservative views. The last quarter of the report presents controversial leftist authors as though their views are authoritative. There is no criticism or contrasting perspective. It is not difficult to see that the goal is to recruit students for various leftist political causes.

Kurtz obtained a teacher’s manual for the class to support these assertions. Harris and Jean Pierre described the draft teacher manual as “American history,” Kurtz said that the section includes a significant section on Black Lives Matter which is a massive Democrat-benefitting, riot-enabling activism group founded by two Marxists.

The academics the teacher’s manual tells teachers to assign in this class describe Black Lives Matter, or the Movement for Black Lives (M4BL), and its underlying Marxist aims in only positive terms, Kurtz writes, explaining:

[T]he real purpose of M4BL’s platform is to serve as a “blueprint for social transformation,” We can fundamentally change the structure of American society, shifting away from market principles in favor of market principles. “‘collective ownership’ of certain economic institutions” A universal basic income.

They also demand it from the authors “reparations,” They are basically a political excuse for instituting race-based socialistism, a redistribution in wealth from disfavored groups to favored groups. This idea is clearly racist, since it involves civil penalties and rewards that are based on skin colour and ancestry. This is also terrible because it focuses on individual actions and not inborn characteristics.

“The teacher’s guide purports to outline ‘debates’ over reparations, yet the so-called debates don’t actually involve arguments against reparations,” Kurtz writes. “By ‘debates,’ the guide simply means practical disagreements about who exactly should pay for reparations, who exactly should benefit, and the precise mixture of monetary compensation and public apology to be demanded. There is no disagreement about reparations as such. This is political advocacy, pure and simple.”

Kurtz’s review of the materials also reveals they repeatedly encourage violence for Marxist political ends, with no counterpoints to these incitements provided. According to the draft materials, the course is essentially incitement for violent street theater to serve selectively agitated racist grievances.

College Board has not yet made public disclosures of the materials it used to create this course. This is despite the fact that College Board receives its majority of its income from tax payers through its sales to state education agencies, public schools, and other state education agencies. So College Board is essentially telling states they have to approve this curriculum and move it into classrooms long before the parents whose kids will take these classes, and who pay for these classes to be taught in public schools, can find out what’s inside it.

The College Board’s other course materials that allow bright high school students to obtain cheap and early college credit are also heavily biased, scholars have found. They essentially import the heavy leftist bias of universities into public high schools, distorting even younger Americans’ understanding of reality. This, probably not coincidentally, amplifies younger voters’ tendency to vote for Democrats.

Republicans who can’t combat this leftist indoctrination and get-out-the-vote scheme don’t deserve to be in office. As I wrote Monday, College Board’s biased monopoly on advanced high-school curriculum is in need of investigation by every elected official with authority over public education institutions. This class on African-American studies is only one example of the rank extremism that this proposed class would display.

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