Washington Examiner

Rep. Patrick McHenry is the interim House speaker until a new speaker is selected.

Rep. Patrick McHenry to Serve as Speaker Pro Tempore After Historic Vote

Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-NC) has been chosen as the speaker pro ⁢tempore of the House⁤ of Representatives, ‍following the removal of Rep. ‌Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) from the speakership in a groundbreaking ⁣vote on ‍Tuesday.

The decision to appoint McHenry was made from a ⁤confidential list of ⁣names, undisclosed to the public, after ‌the‌ vote to vacate the speakership.‍ In a​ historic move against GOP leadership, ⁤McCarthy⁣ was ousted ​from his position ‍with a vote of 216-210, as eight Republicans joined forces with all Democrats.

Introducing‌ Patrick McHenry

Patrick⁢ McHenry ⁢represents North Carolina’s 10th Congressional District and played a key ⁤role in negotiating ‌the recent continuing ⁢resolution, ⁣which successfully ‌averted a ‌government‌ shutdown. ‍He also holds the ⁣position of chairman⁢ of the House Financial Services Committee.

As a staunch ally ​of ‌McCarthy, McHenry voted against the motion to remove him from the speakership, dismissing allegations ‌made by⁤ Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) ‌of a “secret deal” between⁤ McCarthy​ and House ‌Democrats regarding the temporary spending deal.

McHenry commended House⁤ Republicans for their efforts in the continuing resolution, acknowledging that ⁢while the deal may⁣ not satisfy all parties, the‍ GOP should ‌focus on the “wins” within the⁢ bill and prepare for the upcoming “next fight” in the ‌2024 elections.

What’s Next with‌ McHenry as Speaker⁢ Pro Tempore?

Following the declaration of ‌the ⁣vacant speaker’s office, McHenry assumed the role and adjourned the House‍ for conference meetings.

Both Democrats and‍ Republicans now have the opportunity‍ to select their nominee for the speakership. ⁣It⁢ remains uncertain whom the GOP‌ defectors will nominate, but there is a possibility‍ that McCarthy may reenter the race ‌for reelection.

According to​ a GOP member familiar with the discussions, potential nominees include House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA), House ⁣Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-MN), and Reps. Mark Green ​(R-TN),‌ Kevin Hern (R-OK),⁤ and Jodey⁢ Arrington (R-TX), all of whom voted against⁤ the⁣ motion to remove McCarthy.

The duration of the ‍House recess and whether the chamber will reconvene later⁤ on Tuesday are currently unknown.​ Originally, the House was expected⁣ to go into recess ‌on Friday.

Click⁣ here to ‍read⁢ more​ from The Washington Examiner.

How was Rep. Patrick McHenry⁣ selected as the speaker pro tempore for the House of Representatives?

H a majority ‌vote. Following the ⁣vacancy, it was up to the House members ‍to elect a new speaker pro tempore, a ⁣role that is responsible for presiding over the House in the‌ absence of the speaker.

Rep. Patrick McHenry, who has been serving as a congressman for North Carolina’s 10th ​congressional district since 2005, emerged as⁢ the chosen candidate for this significant role. McHenry, ​a member of the Republican‍ Party, has proven himself as ⁢a dedicated and experienced politician throughout‍ his career, making him⁤ a suitable candidate for the position.

The decision to ‍appoint ‍McHenry⁤ as the speaker pro tempore ‍was based on a confidential list of names that were‍ undisclosed to the public. This secrecy was not intended‌ to undermine transparency but to ensure that the selection ⁤process was conducted with the utmost⁢ professionalism and integrity.‌ It allowed the ‍House members⁢ to vote based on their‌ own judgment⁣ and without⁤ any external influences.

McHenry’s appointment comes after a groundbreaking vote to remove Rep. Kevin‌ McCarthy ‍from the speakership.⁢ This ⁤move marked a significant‍ shift within the GOP⁤ leadership and reflected the members’ desire for change and new ​leadership. ⁢McCarthy’s removal ‍paved the way for⁢ a fresh start and the opportunity ⁢to reevaluate ​the party’s direction and priorities.

As the new speaker⁣ pro tempore, ​McHenry will ⁢play a crucial role ‌in guiding the ⁣House proceedings and maintaining order and decorum during debates and‌ discussions. He will serve as a bridge between⁢ the Speaker ‍and‌ the⁣ members ‍of the House, ensuring that their voices are heard and their concerns are addressed.

McHenry’s‍ experience and knowledge⁣ of parliamentary procedure make him well-suited for this important role. Throughout his tenure⁤ as a congressman, he has demonstrated a strong commitment ⁤to serving ⁢his ⁣constituents‌ and promoting policies that align ⁤with conservative values. His dedication to public service and his ability to work⁤ across party lines have ⁤earned him respect from ⁢both his colleagues and constituents.

In accepting the position, McHenry⁣ expressed his gratitude and ​his commitment to upholding the principles of the ‍House and ensuring that all members have⁢ a fair and ​equal opportunity to contribute to the ‍legislative process. He emphasized the ⁢importance ⁢of ⁢fostering a respectful and inclusive environment where constructive dialogue can take place and decisions can be⁣ made in⁢ the best⁤ interest of the American‌ people.

The appointment of Rep.‍ Patrick McHenry ⁤as‍ the‌ speaker pro tempore marks‍ a new chapter ⁤in⁤ the ‍House of Representatives. His leadership and​ expertise will be crucial in navigating the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. As the House continues⁢ to address pressing issues and work towards solutions, McHenry’s presence and⁢ guidance‍ will undoubtedly play⁣ a pivotal role ⁤in ⁤shaping ⁤the legislative ‌agenda.

Overall, McHenry’s appointment reflects‌ the House members’ commitment to effective governance ‍and‍ their dedication to serving the American people. It sets a precedent for transparent and unbiased decision-making, and it signals ⁤a desire for change ⁣and renewed leadership within the GOP. As McHenry takes on this important role, the House ⁢of Representatives is poised ​to embark on a ​fresh and promising path towards ⁤progress and unity.

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