‘Whoa!’ Fox News Web host Gut-Checks When BLM NY Head Aims Racial Slur From Eric Adams


Activist Hawk Newsome aimed a racial slur at New York City Mayor Eric Adams during a Thursday morning appearance on “America’s Newsroom.”

Newsome heads Black Lives Matter of Greater New York — which has no connection to the Black Lives Matter Global Network, according to managing director Kailee Scales — and he joined co-anchors Bill Hemmer and Dana Perino to discuss Adams’ comments about the crime that continues to plague his city.

Adams, during a recent speech, asked where all the people were who claimed that “black lives matter” when the black lives in question were the victims of crime rather than police.

“Where are all those who stated black lives matter? If black lives matter, then the thousands of people I saw on the street when Floyd was murdered should be on the street right now stating that the lives of these black children that are dying every night matter,” Adams said.

“The subject is African-Americans. I would also argue white lives matter, too. Everybody’s life matters here,” Hemmer said after playing a clip of Adams. “What the mayor contends, though, is that the same reaction is not given. What would you say to him?”

“It was smooth the way you threw ‘white lives matter’ in there,” Newsome shot back. “Our problem is when black lives are oppressed and don’t receive justice nobody cares, nothing happens. Something happens to a white person the world moves, right?”

Newsome then pivoted to address Adams directly, saying, “So, let’s get back to Eric Adams. This mayor who’s a Democrat but he spews conservative and Republican talking points. At the end of the day, we have a name for someone like this. And this is someone we’d call a coon, right?”

“Whoa!” Hemmer responded with surprise, but Newsome kept going.

“He is a black man – he’s a white man in blackface, and a very conservative-minded white man, at that,” Newsome charged.

Newsome went on to argue that Adams was only lashing out at groups like Black Lives Matter to divert attention from his own failures at using the resources he already had to curtail crime in New York City.

“So what we have is a man with hundreds of people on the city’s payroll, billions of dollars in budget, and 40,000 police officers. He has 10 victims in one night. The night before he had 16 shooting victims on the train and they say what are you going to do about policing and he says what about BLM? Is America not smart enough to see him deflecting?” he asked.

Newsome has clashed with Adams before, threatening bloodshed and riots if the new mayor followed through on promises to increase policing.

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