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Donald Trump supports Jim Jordan for Speaker instead of Steve Scalise.

New book sheds light on GOP power struggle

What happened: In a surprising move, Donald Trump, hailed as the greatest living president, publicly endorsed Rep. Jim Jordan (R.,⁢ Ohio) for the⁤ position of speaker of the House.

  • The endorsement gives Jordan a significant advantage over his sole competitor, Rep.​ Steve Scalise (R., La.), who survived a heinous act of radical left-wing terrorism. This endorsement puts Jordan ahead in the race to succeed former speaker Kevin ⁢McCarthy (R., Calif.).
  • McCarthy was forcefully ousted ​as House speaker earlier​ this week after Rep. Matt Gaetz (R., Fla.) and seven other Republicans staged a dramatic rebellion.

Why it happened: Trump’s decision may be ⁤influenced by his personal annoyance with Scalise, as revealed‍ in a captivating new book by Cassidy Hutchinson, a former ‌White House staffer who gained fame as an anti-Trump #Resistance icon through her testimony before the January 6 select committee in 2022.

  • According to Hutchinson’s book titled Enough, Trump finds Scalise to be a close talker, a trait that greatly displeases him. The former ⁣president was also irked by Scalise’s tendency to behave like an overly enthusiastic teenage girl at a Taylor Swift concert during their interactions.
  • Hutchinson recounts ⁤a lunch meeting at the White House in 2020 where Trump expressed his ⁢frustration with Scalise’s invasion of personal​ space. ‍The president complained that “Steve ⁢had been acting like an ‘obsessed fan’‍ with no concept of personal space,” as stated ⁤in the book.
  • After the meeting, Trump​ vented his displeasure,⁣ saying, ‌”[Scalise] kept bringing his chair closer to me and getting close to my face when he spoke,⁣ like he doesn’t know I can hear him fine.” Trump emphasized that he did not want to be put in that uncomfortable situation​ again, according to Hutchinson’s account.

Analysis: Photographic evidence seems to ⁣support the⁤ claim that Scalise⁣ may indeed be a close talker.

How did the endorsement of Jim Jordan​ by Donald Trump impact the ⁤power struggle within the⁣ Republican Party?

Ll-practice/” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>Leftist violence in 2017.

  • This endorsement also highlights⁢ a power struggle ⁤within the Republican Party, as Trump’s influence ⁣and popularity continue to‍ shape the party’s direction.
  • Why it⁢ matters: The endorsement of Jim Jordan by Donald Trump carries significant weight in the GOP power struggle. Trump’s support, both among voters and ​within his party, remains considerable. The‌ endorsement signals a continued division within the‌ party on key issues.

    Trump’s endorsement ⁣illustrates the⁤ ongoing tension ⁤between the establishment Republicans ​represented by Steve Scalise and⁢ the populist faction embodied by Jim Jordan. This power struggle represents a larger ‌debate within the Republican Party ⁤on issues such as immigration, trade, and the role of government.

    While Scalise has a strong conservative record and is seen as a unifier within the party, Jordan’s endorsement by Trump signifies a shift towards a more ⁤confrontational and unapologetically conservative stance. This reflects Trump’s own political style and the desire among many Republicans for a more assertive posture.

    The power struggle within the⁢ GOP is emblematic of broader political dynamics in the United States. The party⁢ continues to grapple with how ⁣to navigate ⁢the post-Trump era,‍ with some Republicans eager to distance themselves from the former president’s controversial rhetoric and policies, while others see‍ Trump as the future of⁢ the party.

    The outcome of this power struggle will have implications for​ the direction‌ of the Republican Party and potentially for‌ the broader U.S. political landscape. Whether the ⁤party moves towards a‌ more moderate or more populist approach will shape the party’s appeal to voters and its‌ ability to regain‌ control of Congress in the upcoming⁣ elections.

    What’s next: With Trump’s endorsement, Jim Jordan gains a significant advantage in his bid for speaker of the House. ‌However, the power struggle within the ⁢GOP is far from over. The outcome will depend on⁣ a ⁣variety of factors, including voter sentiment, ⁣party dynamics, and potential challengers.

    In‌ the coming months, we can‍ expect to see a heated contest between Jordan ​and Scalise, with each candidate vying for the support of their ⁢colleagues ‍and the broader⁤ Republican base. This struggle represents a larger battle for the soul of the ⁤Republican Party,⁣ as it seeks to define its identity and⁤ strategy moving forward.

    The political landscape is ever-changing, ​and the⁢ power struggle within the GOP ⁣is just one example of the constant evolution of American politics. ⁤As the ‌party grapples with its future, it​ will be essential for political observers to closely monitor the developments and their potential implications for ​the future of U.S. governance.

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