The bongino report

Why George Soros is the Most Dangerous Man in America

Matt Palumbo, author and content manager for the Bongino Report, sat down with The Political Insider’s own Brett Smith to discuss his book and explain why he views George Soros as the most dangerous man in America.

Palumbo outlined how Soros’s influence on the national stage has been somewhat muted, but it’s his influence at a more local level that has been most destructive.

Smith mentions that Palumbo is the author of Publishers Weekly Best-selling book, The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network Of George Soros The article explains how the left-wing billionaire poses a threat to the country.

“You described George Soros as the most dangerous man in America,” Smith started. “For those that hear George Soros and don’t know who this man is, give our viewers a quick rundown on … what he’s generally known for.”

Palumbo said that “by both dollar value spent over many decades” The “influence he’s coveted in the media and elsewhere and in politics,” Soros is at the core of his being “the most influential man in American politics.”

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Matt Palumbo explains why George Soros is a threat to America

Matt Palumbo’s book on George Soros has been described by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich as “a deep, important study of one of the most influential men of our time.”

Palumbo explained why this statement was appropriate to viewers, pointing out that Soros has spent years trying to overhaul the U.S. Justice system by funding district attorney races across America.

The author points out, however, that Soros has invested money into the mainstream media and the national stage to increase the already liberal journalism sector, his impact on those at lower levels is greater.

“Where he’s had the most success – and this has been the past decade or so – has been these state races where let’s be honest, no one pays attention to them at all,” Palumbo points it out.

Palumbo explains that while millions of dollars being poured into national campaigns will have less of an influence, pouring large sums into a local DA race could effectively buy you an attorney with significant influence on crime in the community.

“And the people he’s backing are completely insane people who are anti-law and order, or anti-cop, pro-criminal,” Palumbo said.

These “insane people” are in turn slashing penalties for lesser crimes, or not even enforcing laws against those lesser crimes, leading to a breakdown of society. It’s something Palumbo describes as having “hilariously … predictable consequences” on society.

The Soros-backed DAs he is describing end up viewing the criminals – the criminals – as the victims all too often, and establish themselves as “prosecutors for the people perpetrating the crimes.”

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Media Doesn’t Cover Soros’ Influence

George Soros and the district attorneys he funds take an approach that is antithetical to the ‘broken windows’ approach popularized by former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani.

Giuliani used ‘broken windows’ policing (enforcing penalties for minor crimes to deter major ones), and stop and frisk combined to make New York a city where tourists and residents felt safe during his tenure.

Ask residents of cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, or Philadelphia, or even NYC today, where Soros-backed DAs roam, how safe they feel in their homes right now. We bet they’d like to see the Giuliani approach far and above the Soros approach.

As Palumbo points out, Soros can get his grasp into those lower-level races because voters ‘don’t pay attention to them.’ But that concept also extends to the media.

Mainstream outlets want national stories, so DA races and their ultimate effects on the community get swept under the rug, even as Palumbo notes there are 74 or 75 such Soros acolytes in office today.

They might not make for good stories for ratings on national broadcasts individually, but 74 districts where laws are not enforced and criminals are allowed to rule the roost does collectively make a compelling news story or column. And it certainly affects many, many Americans.

Even Fox News, which has leaned into the reporting somewhat, has had difficulty addressing the topic. It was just over two years ago, just a couple of months prior to the 2020 election, that anchor Harris Faulkner shut down Gingrich when he tried to broach the topic.

At that point, Soros’ influence was already common knowledge.

In 2018, he pumped almost $1 million into a Texas district attorney’s race against a Democratic DA who opposed sanctuary cities.

The Los Angeles Times ran a column that year noting that the left-wing billionaire was “spending millions of dollars.”

The money was an effort “to back would-be prosecutors who want to reduce incarceration … revamp a bail system they contend unfairly imprisons poor people before trial.”

Faulkner would later apologize for having Gingrich cut off during the segment.

In his review of Palumbo’s book, Gingrich remarked: “The degree to which Soros has infiltrated virtually every aspect of public policy is alarming and should cause great concern for every American.”

That book and The Political Insider’s exclusive interview with its author might be the only place that adequately addresses that concern.

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