GOP’s Israel bill failure didn’t guarantee Biden’s victory

The White House’s Efforts to Rally Democrats Against Israel Aid Bill⁢ Fall Short

The ‌White ​House went to⁣ great ​lengths to ensure that Democrats would unite and vote against the ‍House Republican-led Israel ⁣aid bill. ⁢However, their⁣ efforts did not result in⁤ a victory for President Joe Biden.

According to Axios, the White House reached out to ⁣Democrats,​ urging them to oppose the stand-alone ​bill for Israel aid. Despite this, 46 Democrats defied Biden’s wishes and voted⁤ in favor of the bill. This⁤ highlights the ​ongoing tension between loyalty to ‍the president ⁣and the‍ party, and the need to protect political careers ​when⁣ it comes⁢ to matters⁣ related ‍to the⁢ Jewish state.

“It was a very tough vote ⁤for most,” said ⁣Rep. Lois​ Frankel (D-FL), acknowledging that while most Democrats ‍overwhelmingly support Israel, many struggled to cast their vote ​out of respect​ for the president and their support for Ukraine.

Although Democratic leadership criticized the Israel aid bill as⁤ a political move by House​ Speaker Mike ⁢Johnson (R-LA) during the‍ Israel-Hamas ⁣conflict, most Democrats chose ⁣to align ⁣with the majority of Republicans and vote ‍in favor of the bill. However, there were also defections among Republicans, with 14 members crossing over to oppose the aid, preventing the ‍lower chamber from reaching ​a ⁤two-thirds majority.

The 46 Democrats who voted in support of the aid bill were in line​ with what leadership had anticipated, according to senior Democrats. ​One lawmaker explained that the defections were a natural​ instinct for some to support Israel, as ⁢well‌ as ​a desire to avoid falling ⁤into‍ a Republican trap ⁤by ⁢voting against Israel.

“Your constituencies⁤ are not going ⁢to know all the ​background of‌ how⁤ you vote. They’re going to know what you voted​ on and if⁤ it’s ‘yes’ or⁤ ‘no’,” said Rep. Haley Stevens (D-MI).

Democrats are facing increasing ​pressure from pro-Israel groups, particularly lawmakers who are​ facing competitive primary challengers this November.

While some progressive Democrats, like ‍Reps. Rashida​ Tlaib (D-MI) ⁢and Jamaal Bowman⁤ (D-NY), have been vocal in their ‌support​ for the people in Gaza, other legislators told Axios that groups like the American Israel Public​ Affairs Committee are becoming⁢ very aggressive in their outreach,⁣ and some swing district members are simply scared of ​them.

“The whole point of​ that vote⁤ by the GOP was to try to create ‍divisions in the Democratic caucus,” said Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD). “They knew… some people would not be willing to hang tough with ⁣the president because they didn’t want‍ their vote being misrepresented.”

Click here to read more from​ The Washington Examiner.

‍What is the significance‍ of pro-Israel lobbying groups in shaping US policies towards Israel and their influence on Capitol Hill, as indicated‌ by the ⁤vote on the Israel aid bill

T⁤ Democrats support ⁣aid ‍to Israel, they also want to demonstrate ‌support for the president.‌ The article continues:

The ‌White‍ House’s efforts to sway Democrats ⁢against the Israel aid bill can be seen as a response to progressive voices within ⁣the party who have ‍been critical of Israel’s actions,‍ particularly regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. There is a growing ⁢sentiment among some ‌Democrats⁢ to assess the United States’⁢ relationship⁤ with​ Israel and consider the impact of our⁣ aid ‍on ‌the region. This ⁢may explain ‍why some Democrats chose to vote for the bill​ despite the White House’s ‌opposition.

Nevertheless, ‍the fact that ‌46 Democrats voted in favor of the ‌Israel aid bill showcases the limitations ‌of the White⁤ House’s influence ‌over party members. It underscores the diversity of opinions within the Democratic Party, especially⁣ concerning foreign policy⁤ matters. While many‌ Democrats‍ remain staunch ⁣supporters of US-Israel⁣ relations, others are ​more critical and advocate⁢ for a ‍more ⁤balanced approach ⁣to⁢ the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Additionally, the⁣ vote on the Israel⁤ aid bill ‍reveals the complex dynamics surrounding ‍the⁣ US-Israel relationship.⁤ While the White ‍House may ⁣have attempted ​to rally Democrats against⁣ the bill, it‍ is undeniable​ that supporting‍ Israel and providing aid to the country has been a longstanding bipartisan tradition. Presidents,⁤ regardless of ‌party, have consistently expressed ⁢their commitment to Israel’s security and receiving aid.

Furthermore, the Israel aid bill is not purely a matter of supporting a foreign country. It is also tied to domestic politics and the influence of pro-Israel lobbying groups in‌ Washington. These groups have historically⁢ been influential ⁢in shaping US policies ⁣towards Israel, and their support can be vital for politicians​ seeking re-election. The⁢ fact that 46 Democrats chose to vote for⁣ the​ bill indicates ‍the significance of the pro-Israel lobby’s influence on Capitol Hill.

In conclusion, the White House’s efforts to rally Democrats against the‍ Israel aid bill⁢ fell short. The ⁣vote highlighted the complexities ​within the Democratic Party ​regarding⁤ foreign policy and the US-Israel relationship. While the White House’s influence over party ‍members is limited,​ the vote ‍also underscored the ongoing bipartisan support ⁢for Israel and the influence of‍ pro-Israel lobbying ​groups in Washington. As‌ the United States continues to navigate its relationship with Israel ‌and address the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, these tensions and dynamics‌ are likely to persist.

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