The daily wire

Soren Aldaco, 21, sues doctors for aiding her teenage medical ‘transition’.

Texas Woman⁢ Sues Doctors for Irreparable Damage from Transgender Medical Interventions

Twenty-one-year-old Soren⁢ Aldaco, a former transgender individual, ⁢is taking ⁣legal action ⁣against her⁣ doctors, seeking over $1 million in damages for the irreversible harm caused by the ⁤medical interventions‍ she received as a teenager.

Soren and her lawyer, Ron ⁣Miller, are not only seeking accountability⁣ and justice⁤ for Soren’s ⁣case but also aiming to⁢ send a powerful message to medical insurers.

“It’s about catching the attention of insurance ⁤companies, that they might want to stop⁢ insuring this kind of practice,” Miller told The Daily Wire. “And ⁢if they stop insuring this kind of⁣ practice,⁢ practitioners tend to not⁢ like to‌ take that risk on themselves, so they stop doing it.”

In the recently​ filed‌ lawsuit, Soren alleges that medical professionals in Texas ⁢prioritized their ideology over ​responsible treatment, resulting in Soren’s​ “permanent disfigurement” and profound ⁢psychological‌ scarring.

“What happened to me was preventable,” Soren told⁤ The Daily⁤ Wire. “I wanna hold my ‍providers⁤ accountable for what they did, and I feel⁤ very strongly that ideology was prioritized over my long-term mental⁤ and physical ⁤wellbeing.”

During an era of girlhood that Soren describes as overly sexualized, she ‌began to question her identity⁢ at the ​age of 11, feeling uncomfortable with her ⁤changing body.

“I was growing into girlhood during an era where girlhood is, ya know, plastic ⁣surgery ads on social media,” she said, “or, dances ​on ‍TikTok where you’re shaking your butt.”

Soren waited until⁢ she was 17⁢ to‌ seek medical treatment, but despite suffering from various mental‌ health issues, she was quickly pushed through the system. Miller revealed that Soren was prescribed ‍testosterone within minutes‌ of meeting a doctor,⁣ without any psychological assessment.

“Miller also said that another⁤ medical provider authored a ‘falsified letter’ in support of Soren’s double mastectomy. The letter was supposed to ​come from a practitioner ​who​ had been providing Soren therapy​ on gender dysphoria for over a year. But while‍ Soren was⁤ meeting with this practitioner,‌ the⁣ therapy was not⁣ in relation to her gender.”

Following the double mastectomy, Soren experienced severe ​pain and bruising, which her doctors dismissed as part of the normal healing process. However, just two weeks later, she​ had to ​undergo emergency surgery to remove blood clots and insert temporary drains.

“I went to the ER​ and I was there for eight hours, by myself,” Soren said. “I had only local anesthesia while they were actually performing the operation to reopen my ‍incisions, no pain meds. It’s probably one⁤ of the most traumatic medical ⁣procedures I’ve had, ’cause, you know,‍ I was awake for the‍ whole thing.”

Miller described the ⁣facts of Soren’s case ⁤as “almost unbelievable” and criticized the medical professionals’ disregard for her health and ⁢safety.

“The level of disregard ⁢and kind of reckless ⁢indifference that these ⁣medical professionals had for her‌ health, ‍safety, her wellbeing, both physically and psychologically is just grotesque,” he told The Daily Wire.

While ‍there is no ⁤amount of money that can truly compensate Soren for her experiences and losses, the lawsuit seeks far more than $1 million from the medical providers. The ultimate goal, however, is‌ not about financial⁤ gain.

“For none of‍ us, is it really about the damages other than how much of a message can those damages send.”

Soren is not alone ⁣in her legal battle ‌against ⁤transgender medical interventions. Prisha Mosley, a‍ young detransitioner, recently filed a lawsuit against her doctors in North Carolina, claiming she was misled about the potential outcomes‌ of transitioning.

Chloe Cole, another detransitioner, is also‍ suing the Kaiser Permanente healthcare system for her transgender⁣ treatment, including puberty blockers and a double mastectomy. Cole testified before Congress, ⁢urging them to ‌put an end to these harmful practices.

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