The federalist

America’s changing demographics will lead to radical politics if mass deportations are avoided

The‍ Destructive Border Bill and the Democrat‌ Party’s Plan

The much-anticipated⁣ Senate border bill unveiled this‌ week is another example of⁤ the destructive and unserious​ people who ‍lead this nation. President ‍Biden​ and Democrats are now blaming Republicans ⁤for​ failing to pass​ the bill, but the reality is⁢ that for the “open borders” Democrat Party, everything is going‌ according to plan.

The‌ Democrat Party⁢ is well on its way to fundamentally changing America’s demographics, all to secure what they ​believe will eventually become an unbeatable coalition of new voters. To understand the progress they’ve made, consider ​that in 2018, research ‌conducted⁤ at MIT and Yale determined that the most​ accurate population estimate⁣ of illegal aliens residing in ⁣the U.S. was‌ 22.1‌ million. Given the staggering surge of illegal aliens⁤ under⁣ the Biden administration, ⁣that estimate would now‌ be in the range of ⁤30-plus million. To put‍ that into perspective, if we created a 51st state comprised⁢ entirely of​ illegal aliens, its population would be larger than every state except⁤ California, and it would be​ 77 percent ‍of the entire​ population of Canada.

Going forward, even if we somehow prevent⁣ 100​ percent of future⁢ illegal immigration, it only buys us ⁢time — and not much. ⁤Democrats know‌ this, of ⁢course. It’s the​ reason they continue to accept short-term backlash from our open border in exchange for a long-term payoff. By pointing out that illegal ⁣aliens cannot vote, the ⁤left claims that ‍this whole thing​ is a “racist conspiracy theory.”

This disingenuous tactic ignores three things:‌ 1) Democrats⁣ have routinely tried to pass some type of amnesty that would eventually allow illegal aliens to vote, 2) Children⁣ of ⁢illegal​ aliens⁣ born in the U.S. can legally vote when they turn 18, and 3) In 2020, Joe Biden carried Georgia, Wisconsin, and Arizona by a total of about 45,000 votes, meaning a presidential election could‌ be decided by only 0.15 percent of the illegal alien population voting ​in ⁣the right states.

Two of these three points ⁤are‌ hypotheticals — amnesty and illegal⁣ aliens voting — but the ‍other is a ⁣mathematical certainty.​ Children are the future, and this is where ‍the left​ has placed its chips. Assuming⁢ we can prevent‌ amnesty from‌ passing while magically stopping all ⁢approximately 30 million illegals from voting in perpetuity, children born to illegal aliens are⁢ turning 18 every‍ year in‌ tranches.⁤ Unless there is a titanic shift in voting ‌demographics, each tranche makes it more ‍difficult⁤ for Republicans to win elections. Democrats don’t need to ⁢pass amnesty. They‌ don’t need illegal aliens to vote. ‍They just need to wait it out.

The Cost We Pay

Illegal immigration is wreaking havoc on ‍our hospitals, schools, housing, public ⁣lands, ‌and budgets ​ while facilitating a drug epidemic that ⁢kills scores of Americans. Not to⁤ worry, our best people⁣ are on the case. Savvy New York ⁣City Mayor Eric ⁢Adams has helped craft a plan to⁣ dissuade more‌ illegals from‌ coming. The ‍solution?⁢ Spoil them rotten.

NYC is creating a program that uses taxpayer money to fund $53 million ⁣worth of prepaid ‍credit cards for illegal ⁢aliens.⁣ Adams insists this ⁤will save taxpayers money. How⁤ does that work,‍ you might ask? According to Adams, ‌the ‌current ⁢method through which⁤ taxpayers are ⁢fleeced to foot the bill for ⁢illegals would⁢ end up costing‌ more than $53 million.

The⁣ illegal aliens receiving these prepaid⁢ credit ​cards must⁤ pinky‍ swear to use the money ​only for⁤ food and ‌baby ‌supplies. City officials gave this meaningless promise a fancy name (“affidavit”) so⁣ unsuspecting voters will be duped into thinking it’s worth ⁤something. ​Adams also notes that they will prioritize “culturally relevant diets”‍ for illegal aliens.⁢ They’re picky ‍eaters, you see. We wouldn’t want⁤ the taxpayer-funded cuisine to⁤ disappoint the people⁤ who jumped our ⁢border. That would be downright cruel.

These programs are a ​fantastic way⁣ to get ⁤illegal aliens and their children accustomed to government handouts as‍ soon as they step foot in America while making sure they ⁣eventually vote for politicians who promise to keep the gravy train running.

Mass migration is also⁢ creating a ​new brazen crime wave. One ‍recent example⁣ is the​ brutal assault of⁣ two New York City police officers by a ‍mob of illegal aliens. Not⁤ to be upstaged by Eric Adams’ tough approach, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul ‍finally ​put her foot down in response to this crime. When asked​ if deportation for these men should be on the table,‍ Hochul said it “should be looked ‍at” and was “definitely ⁤worth checking into.” Instead, the‌ illegals ​responsible for⁢ the assault were released without‍ bail, flipped their middle fingers to the media’s cameras, and fled to California.

It’s ​worth⁤ considering that⁤ if Joe Biden’s America ⁤has become such a joke that ⁤illegals will beat ⁣the tar out of police officers⁣ in broad daylight ‍without ⁣fear,​ maybe some of​ them are convinced they​ can also get ⁢away with voting.

Can Republicans Win This Demographic?

It is⁢ sometimes said that because a large percentage of ⁤illegal aliens are Hispanic, Republicans ⁤can win them⁢ over as conservative cultural values are common in⁣ the Hispanic community. This theory remains ⁤unproven. It‍ assumes cultural values ⁤supersede financial ​incentives, and it would require assimilation on a massive scale.

Assimilation is ⁣no longer ‍celebrated by America’s ⁣institutions as it’s been​ replaced by the left’s religious⁤ tenets​ of​ diversity, multiculturalism, and “anti-whiteness.” As our⁢ nation becomes more diverse, ‌tribal politics pay⁤ dividends ⁤for ​the‍ left, ⁢and as racial animosity ensues, our country becomes a powder keg waiting to⁤ blow. This is hardly an environment that could cultivate the kind of integration required to assimilate tens ​of millions​ of people while simultaneously ‌trying to assimilate the more ⁣than 1 million legal immigrants we take in every year.

The “conservative ​cultural values” argument also assumes that cultural values supersede financial incentives. Illegal‍ aliens (and many recent legal immigrants) are ​poor with little or no skills, and whatever skills they possess ⁢will become less valuable​ over‍ time as AI and other technologies displace low-skilled workers.⁣ Dependence on welfare programs will increase as a result, and despite whatever conservative cultural values⁣ these⁢ people may or‌ may not hold, how likely⁤ is ‌it that ⁢a majority will consistently ‌vote⁢ in one election after another ‌to eliminate checks and in-kind ⁣benefits they receive from the government?

More ‍importantly, whether most illegal aliens will eventually assimilate is likely a pointless debate.‌ Because the nation is in such‌ dire straits, we cannot afford to wait a ⁣generation or two for the mere possibility that assimilation will occur on⁤ a​ grand scale. If the Democrat Party of today (and especially ‍of⁤ tomorrow) were to gain even temporary control of⁢ the federal government that included ⁢a supermajority ⁤in the Senate, the damage inflicted would⁢ be ​irreparable. If they were to succeed in establishing⁢ a new coalition of voters who ​usher in sweeping victories, the ​left would no longer fear electoral consequences for their increasingly deranged policies, and their lunacy ⁣would know no bounds.

For ⁣these reasons​ and more, the next president must mobilize the federal government to deport as many illegal aliens as possible, beginning with violent⁢ criminals ⁢and the most recent ‍arrivals. Our asylum system, which is scammed by millions of foreign ⁤nationals, must be scrapped,⁤ and we⁤ need ‍a southern border wall. Our current ⁣trajectory ⁤is not⁤ sustainable, and while the task will be difficult, ⁤it is far better than‌ watching⁤ the greatest civilization that’s ever existed go‌ down the drain because we didn’t want to ‌be perceived as “mean.”

It⁤ is not righteous or morally defensible to destroy our nation ⁢because we don’t⁣ want to inconvenience people who⁣ break our⁢ laws by coming here​ illegally. We must become a nation that enforces its most basic and necessary feature — ⁢its borders.

‍ How does the⁢ Democrat Party’s plan to allow illegal aliens‍ access to government benefits and programs potentially influence‍ their voting behavior in ‍the future

The‍ Destructive Border Bill and the Democrat‌ Party’s Plan

The recently unveiled ​Senate border bill has ​been ​met with much anticipation, but it is yet another example⁤ of the destructive and ⁣unserious​ leadership‍ that is leading our nation. President ⁤Biden and the ⁤Democrats are ‍quick to blame Republicans for ‍the failure to pass the bill, but the reality is‍ that the “open borders” Democrat Party sees this as a part of their plan.

The Democrat Party⁢ aims to fundamentally change America’s demographics in‍ order to secure what they believe will eventually become ‌an unbeatable coalition of new voters. The surge of illegal aliens under the Biden administration⁤ has only⁣ accelerated this plan. In 2018, research conducted at MIT‍ and Yale estimated that there were ⁣22.1 million illegal aliens residing in the US. Given​ the current surge, that estimate ‌would now be in ⁢the range of 30-plus million. To put⁢ it into perspective, if we created a 51st state⁢ comprised entirely of illegal aliens, its⁣ population would‍ be larger than every ‍state except California, and it would be 77 percent of the entire population of Canada.

Even if we⁤ somehow prevent 100 percent​ of future illegal immigration, it only buys us time — and not much. Democrats⁢ know ⁤this‍ and accept short-term backlash from our open ‍border in exchange for ‍a long-term payoff. While ⁤the⁤ left claims that this whole thing is⁢ a “racist conspiracy theory” because illegal aliens cannot vote, they conveniently forget that⁣ Democrats have repeatedly​ tried to pass some‍ form of amnesty ⁣that would eventually allow illegal aliens to vote. They also ignore the fact⁢ that children of illegal ⁣aliens born in the US can legally vote when they‌ turn 18. The⁤ 2020 election‍ showed ⁣how ‌close ⁢some⁤ states were, with Joe Biden carrying Georgia, Wisconsin, and Arizona by ⁢a total of about 45,000 votes.‌ Thus, a presidential election could be decided by only 0.15⁣ percent of‍ the illegal alien population voting in​ the right states.

The ‍Democrat Party doesn’t need to pass amnesty⁣ or allow illegal aliens to vote.⁢ They just need ‍to wait it out. Children born to illegal aliens are turning 18 every year, and ⁢unless there⁤ is a significant ‌shift in voting‌ demographics, each group makes ‌it more difficult for Republicans to win elections.

The ⁢cost‌ of ​illegal immigration is‌ not just a political⁢ issue but also has real consequences for our society. It ‍is wreaking havoc on our ​hospitals, schools, housing, public lands, and budgets. It is also facilitating a drug epidemic that is killing many Americans. Despite this, some politicians, like New York City Mayor Eric⁣ Adams,‌ are⁤ proposing programs that use taxpayer money to fund prepaid credit cards ‍for illegal aliens. ⁣These ⁢programs aim to ‌get ⁤illegal aliens and ⁤their children accustomed ⁤to government handouts and ensure that they eventually vote for politicians who promise to⁤ keep the benefits coming.

Mass migration has also led to a rise in crime. Recent examples include the brutal assault‍ of two New York ⁣City police officers by a mob of illegal aliens. While ‌some politicians ⁢talk tough, ⁤the reality is​ that​ the perpetrators were released without bail and fled to another state.

The idea that Republicans⁣ can ‍win over illegal aliens through conservative cultural values remains ⁤unproven. Assimilation, which would be necessary for this strategy, is no longer celebrated by America’s institutions, as‌ they prioritize diversity, ⁣multiculturalism, and “anti-whiteness.” As our nation ‍becomes more diverse, tribal politics pay dividends⁣ for ‌the left, leading to increased racial animosity.

In ​conclusion, the destructive border bill and the Democrat Party’s plan are part of a larger strategy ‌to⁣ fundamentally change America’s demographics and ‍secure ⁢a long-term voting ‌advantage. It is important‍ for Republicans and conservatives to ​consider ⁤the​ implications of this plan and find effective⁤ ways to address the challenges it poses.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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