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Woke Activist Tries To Harass Sci-Fi Con Into Banning Author Larry Correia, He Fires Back

Larry Correia is one of the most successful authors in genre fiction today, yet when he is invited to speak at an event, he’s often met with a cry bully attempting to cancel his appearance.

Gun Runner by Larry Correia

Recent cancellation attempts stem from an announcement MarsCon Virginia Beach made that Correia was their Guest Of Honor for 2024.

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Joel Lyons, 2024 MarsCon ConChair announced in the convention’s public Facebook group, “I am proud to announce the Writer Guest of Honor Larry Correia. Larry Correia is a New York Times bestselling author best known for his Monster Hunter International urban fantasy series, the Saga of the Forgotten Warrior epic fantasy series, the Grimnoir Chronicles alternate history trilogy, the Dead Six military thrillers, and the sci-fi Gun Runner.”

He said, “He’s also written over sixty pieces of shorter fiction, many of which are included in his Target Rich Environment collections, and he has edited three anthologies. He lives in Yard Moose Mountain, Utah with his wife, children, and fearsome Krasnovian Waffle Hound.”

“I have personally worked with Larry in the past and know he is an absolute hoot to have as an convention guest,” He concluded.

Joel Lyons Facebook

Shortly after the announcement, Madison Metricula Roberts, a woman who has been accused of harassing conservative and libertarian authors before, replied, stating her concern for Correia’s appearance.

“I don’t think he’s an appropriate choice given the usual tone and inclusiveness of MarsCon,” She wrote.

Madison Metricula Roberts poses in the MarsCon Facebook Group

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Roberts informed Lyons once in a while. “I think the combative language and behavior of some folks in this discussion compared to others illustrates the additional moderation that may be needed leading up to and at the event to make sure people feel comfortable.”

She continued, “Moderation and curation of expectations isn’t censorship; it’s how we share spaces or decided which spaces feel comfortable/safe or not at any given time. I think it’s good to be talking about this and taking the temperature.”

Madison Metricula Roberts poses in the MarsCon Facebook Group

She wrote another post, “it might be a good time to make sure things like harassment, diversity, and safety policies are up to date and easy to find, and decide if you’d like to take public feedback or anything (if needed; Y’all may decide it may not be).”

“One of the larger filk communities worked really hard on something similar this past year, and while it isn’t perfect it really helped reassure people,” She continued.

Madison Metricula Roberts poses in the MarsCon Facebook Group

Correia responded to the defense of Correia by writing to an individual who was also protecting him. “Personally I’m actually more libertarian than anything, though I’m a registered Republican because I live in a one party state and that’s where the action is.”

“I’m not racist or sexist. I don’t give a crap what other consenting adults choose to do with each other. I’m an individualist,” He went on.

Correia then claimed, “And frankly I’m sick of this tired fake civility bullshit where I can be accused of the worst things ever, and be expected to meekly sit there and take it.”

Larry Correia responds in the MarsCon Facebook Group to complaints

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In another post, he wrote: “Hey Joel Lyons, will admit that I snort laughed at the bits about how I make the guests unsafe, since the last con I was at with you guys I got called out by the con committee… for helping one of the guests through a medical emergency. (and I didn’t even tell anybody until you guys brought it up during closing ceremonies)”

He said, “But, just in case, you guys could probably fabricate a tiger cage to wheel me around in and I could wear a Hannibal Lecter mask.”

Larry Correia responds in the MarsCon Facebook Group to complaints

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After a back-and-forth with several of Correia’s fans on the thread, Roberts followed up by sending the convention a lengthy e-mail requesting his appearance be canceled beginning with:

MarsCon Con Chair & Staff:

I would like to alert you to Larry Correia’s violation of the MarsCon Harassment Policy and Code of Conduct as written and as I interpret it.

I ask for it to be reviewed using the official channel as outlined in this policy.

Roberts claims Correia violated their Code of Conduct. He claimed that her response to him trying to cancel was “harassment.” She doesn’t seem to be aware of her actions and that she tried to harass him at the convention. People who want to cancel right-leaning artists have used this tactic many times over the years, which involves attacking someone in public and then claiming harassment when they reply.

Correia was given the opportunity to contact Correia via e-mail under the convention. and he responded by tearing apart Roberts’ claims, and then publicly posting the e-mail he sent to the convention so people could be aware of the situation.

Target Rich Environment Vol. 2, Monster Hunter Legion, Hard Magic by Larry Correia

Correia replied that he would “demonstrate that Madison knew exactly what she was doing, and despite her claims to the contrary, she was attempting to stir up outrage in order to get me disinvited Because she and her friends have done it before and will probably continue to do so in the future to other authors as long as cons keep folding and giving them what they want.”

He said, “Madison portrays herself as a victim. She is not. She is an accuser. We have the right to face our accusers.”

Monster Hunter International by Larry Correia

Then he noticed that Roberts claims in her email that “Mr. Correia has not treated me with ‘common courtesy’ as referenced in the Harassment policy, becoming hostile immediately in response to my criticism of the Con Chair’s choice to promote him as a Guest of Honor.”

Correia invites his readers to view the thread for themselves before pointing out Roberts’ comment claiming he was an “inappropriate choice.”

He then pointed out, “As you’ll see, Madison and her friends love to toss out loaded terms which are in common colloquial use today for sexists, racists, homophobes, anti-Semitics, bigots, etc. but the clever ones never actually come right out and say it. They gleefully dance up to the line on harassment policies to annoy their targets, hoping to goad their targets into an angry response so that they can then cry about civility and ‘tone’.”

He also highlighted the double standard by which left-wing cry-bullies operate in writing. “Madison [Roberts] means she and her friends are able to speak their opinions in public. When me and my fans do it we are uncivil and rude. They can say whatever they want about me, that’s cool, but if I ask for evidence of their allegations that’s harassment.”

Larry Correia – Hard Magic

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Correia also discovered a post Roberts made back in 2018, when she worked with a mob on cancelling another conservative author John Ringo.

She wrote: “I regret that I am no longer attending or performing at ConCarolinas. I wish the event, guests, attendees, and volunteers well! While I have confidence in ConCarolina’s commitment to safety at the event, I still have concerns about comfort, safety, and response of the con in light of recent events.”

Madison Metricula Roberts Facebook

Roberts is known for attacking her political opponents in the arts, and trying to get conventions removed from them. Unfortunately, ConCarolinas did not listen to Roberts or her friends in 2018 and succeeded in having Ringo removed.

Conventions are now more aware of these issues than they were five years ago. A mob canceled Correia’s Origins: Game Fair appearance in 2018, but FenCon was hit with similar attacks in 2022 and ignored them. 

Monster Hunter Vendetta

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In fact, Correia referenced FenCon at the conclusion of his line by line takedown of Roberts’ email. “They’ve tried this for the last few cons I went to,” Correia wrote. “They tried this same exact thing last year when I was the GoH at FenCon. Same thing. Some vague complaints about feeling unsafe. Some outrage. Dire predictions of danger and craziness. About five to ten listless angry types posting lots. And don’t worry, up next in the cycle if you don’t cave, will come the very dramatic flouncing, as those five to ten people very loudly and publicly declare that they simply cannot attend any event which would host such a monster with all his disgusting yet unspecified ideas.”

“Then FenCon had huge attendance, everybody had a great time, we quadrupled their charity auction, and nobody missed the handful of people who threw the big foot stompy tantrum about me being there,” He pointed out.

He concluded his remarks by warning MarsCon. “If you guys decide to boot me over my tone, cool. Just be aware, that won’t satisfy them. You’ve paid the Danegeld. If you want to keep me as GoH, also cool. We’ll have fun. Your call.”

Larry Correia defends the Second Amendment

MarsCon has not, as of writing, removed Correia’s name from its programming. Correia’s fans have been posting in droves stating their intent to come to support the convention. The brave souls who refuse to give in to the pressure of the cancel mob seem to be rewarded by the internet woke police.

What do you think about Larry Correia being harassed and beaten by woke activists. Comment and tell us what you think.

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