the epoch times

YouTube’s demonetization of Russell Brand sparks migration to Rumble.

YouTube’s Decision to Demonetize Russell Brand Sparks Backlash and ⁣Platform Exodus

YouTube’s recent move to‌ demonetize British actor Russell Brand has ignited a firestorm ⁤among free speech advocates. Many influential figures in the​ social⁤ media sphere are now abandoning the video streaming platform in search of less restrictive alternatives.

“Just replaced the YouTube link in my bio with 2.5 million subs to my new rumble channel. Team rumble,” declared Hi-Rez the Rapper, a prominent artist, ‌on Twitter.

The decision by YouTube has raised concerns about the extent to ‍which big tech⁣ and government​ can control our speech. Jessie Friedman, the alter⁣ ego behind Hi-Rez the Rapper, expressed his fears, stating, “We are ⁢facing a societal [expletive] that goes beyond Russell Brand’s actions two decades ago. It forces us to question our identity ⁣and how much control we are willing to tolerate as artists and individuals.”

“People are flocking to⁤ Rumble because it offers ample room for growth and doesn’t ⁤impose speech restrictions,” added Hi-Rez the⁣ Rapper, emphasizing the appeal of the alternative platform.

Hi-Rez the Rapper, a resident of central Florida who has been honing his rap skills since the age of 13, began contemplating a transition during the COVID-19 pandemic. His anti-mandate music videos ‍led to the demonetization of⁢ his YouTube channel, resulting in financial losses.

“Artists don’t want⁤ their work controlled by these corporate giants, so I decided to make the move to a platform where⁤ I can freely express myself,” explained Hi-Rez ⁤the Rapper.

Initially, Hi-Rez the‍ Rapper held hope⁢ that YouTube, a platform he has been ⁢part of since 2010, would ease its speech restrictions once the ​pandemic subsided.‍ However, the action taken against Russell Brand served as a stark reminder that content regulation remains prevalent.

“Aren’t we ‍supposed to be presumed⁣ innocent ‍until proven guilty?” questioned Hi-Rez the Rapper. “Apparently, that’s not the case when it comes to Russell Brand.”

Other influential social media personalities joined ‌Hi-Rez the Rapper in expressing their outrage. They viewed the action⁤ against Russell Brand⁢ as an attack on free speech by a powerful corporate entity.

A post by TaraBull on X garnered nearly a million views and read: “YouTube has ‍barred Russell Brand based on media allegations and UK government requests, but ⁤Rumble refuses to demonetize him. Who stands with Rumble & Russell Brand?”

Journalist Katherine Brodsky stated, “Brand may have committed crimes, but they haven’t been legally ‌arbitrated and his content is irrelevant.”

The Epoch Times reached out to ⁣YouTube for comment, but no response has been received at the time of writing.

‘People Aren’t Going to Take It’

The decision to demonetize Russell Brand,‌ preventing him from earning revenue through advertising on his ⁢videos, comes in the wake of recent sexual assault ⁢allegations dating back over‍ a decade. Despite the controversy, Russell Brand boasts 6.64 million subscribers on his YouTube channel.

The flamboyant Hollywood star, known for his‌ candid discussions about alcohol and drug abuse as well as his promiscuity in his‍ comedy routines, has since transformed ​himself into a popular wellness influencer, political ⁢commentator, and a vocal critic of corporate⁤ media.

While YouTube has cut off​ his revenue stream, Russell Brand can‌ still ⁢generate income‍ from his videos on the alternative video platform, ⁣Rumble, where he has⁤ already amassed 1.4 million followers.

Rumble, which was established in​ 2013, gained significant ⁢traction as an alternative site around 2020. This surge in popularity‌ was largely driven by the ⁣stringent content moderation‍ policies of larger platforms like YouTube. Rumble promised a more relaxed approach to ‍content regulation.

On September 20, Rumble received accolades from free speech advocates after it rejected ⁣a request from⁤ the UK‌ parliamentary committee expressing concerns about‍ Russell Brand’s presence. In response to a letter from Dame Caroline Dinenage, chairwoman of the ⁤UK Parliament’s Culture, Media, and Sport Committee, Rumble reaffirmed its commitment to free speech.

“While Rumble unequivocally condemns sexual assault, rape, ‌and all serious crimes, we believe that both alleged victims and the accused deserve a thorough and fair investigation. It ⁣is ‍crucial to note that the recent allegations against Russell Brand have no ⁢connection to the content on Rumble’s platform,” stated the company.

Although Hi-Rez the‍ Rapper is shifting his content and promotional efforts to Rumble, he continues to post on‌ YouTube, hoping that the Google-owned platform will heed‌ the message before it’s too late.

“I hope YouTube realizes‍ that people won’t stand for this, or ⁢it‍ could spell the end for YouTube,” warned Hi-Rez‌ the Rapper. “And nobody wants to see​ that happen.”

Lily Zhou contributed to this report.

How might the move to alternative platforms impact the influence and reach of influential figures like Hi-Rez ⁢the Rapper?

Llness and mental health advocate. However, his past actions have resurfaced, leading to calls​ for accountability and consequences.

YouTube’s decision to ⁢demonetize Russell ‍Brand’s channel has ‌ignited a fierce debate surrounding free speech and platform control. Critics argue that this move sets a dangerous precedent, allowing​ big tech and government entities to dictate what content is acceptable and restricting individuals’ ability to freely express ⁤themselves.

The backlash against YouTube’s decision has led many influential figures in the social media sphere to seek alternative platforms that ‌offer more freedom and‍ fewer restrictions. Hi-Rez the Rapper, ‍a prominent artist, publicly announced his departure from YouTube and his move‌ to the platform Rumble, where he ​believes he‌ can express himself without​ fear of censorship.

Hi-Rez the Rapper’s decision to leave YouTube was not merely ⁢a reaction to the demonetization of Russell Brand but a ​culmination⁤ of ​frustrations⁣ originating from the COVID-19 pandemic. The artist’s music videos, which expressed anti-mandate sentiments,‌ led to the demonetization of his channel and substantial ⁣financial losses. This experience further reinforced his belief that artists should not be subject to the control of ⁣corporate giants.

Although Hi-Rez the Rapper initially hoped that YouTube would ease its speech restrictions ⁤post-pandemic, the action taken against Russell‌ Brand shattered those hopes. The demonetization of Brand’s channel served as‍ a reminder that content regulation remains prevalent, even ⁤on platforms that claim to support free speech.


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